Educational work

Educational work

Educational work

The purpose 

The purpose of educational workthe creation of a humanistic, moral environment of education, contributing to the formation of professional competence among students with active citizenship, meeting the needs and expectations of modern society.The tasks are to form youth’s feelings of patriotism, moral and spirit

Educational work at the department of "Economics and Innovative Business" is based on the following fundamental principles: - scientific, systematic, continuity and sequence of educational work; - respect for the rights and freedoms of students, democracy in the approach to solving youth problems; - the unity of training and education, the relationship with the needs of social development; - comprehensive coverage of the entire student youth, regardless of gender, nationality, social status and age; - a combination of individual, group forms of educational work; - creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate conducive to the effectiveness of the educational process;

Educational work is one of the components of the overall learning process. The educational hours in academic groups address issues directly related to the public life of students: internal regulations, significant events in the life of the country, promotion of healthy lifestyles, analysis of academic progress, preparation of festive events according to the plans of educational work of the university and group work.

Advisors are actively working in the field of legal education: annual Presidential Address to the people of Kazakhstan, State Programs and other documents are discussed. As well as curatorial hours on the topics: “Switching to Latin”, “Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: Global Competitiveness”, “Bolashak ah Bakhdar Rukhani Zhakyrtu”, etc. Plans for educational work are drawn up annually in the department, in supervised groups.

Advisors report to the department for work performed. Students participate in various cultural and sports events held at the university and beyond. Organized visits to theaters, museums, all students have free access to the Internet.

According to the plan of educational work of the department, various events are annually held: round tables, brain-rings, conferences, competitions, meetings, etc. Students of the department "Economics and Innovation Business" actively participate in the activities of republican and local youth organizations, in competitions, research projects, competitions, promotions, sports competitions, competitions of patriotic songs, amateur shows. Career-oriented work, to which, along with teachers, students are actively involved, has a great educational character.


At the Department of "Economics and Innovation Business" it has become a tradition to hold professional orientation events with schoolchildren. Teachers of the department conduct individual and group career guidance conversations, debates, conferences, and students organize open door days at the TAU.

Learning programs

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