Юридическое направление

Научные труды по юридическому направлению


Дусанбекова Молдир - "Impact of Corruption Offenses on the Development of the Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Astra Salvensis, Year 2018. ISSN 2457-9807.
Дусанбекова Молдир - "Some Aspects of Kazakhstan’s Membership in the World Trade Organization", International Business Management 10 (Special Issue 2):  6087-6092, 2016, ISSN: 1993-5250, Medwell Journals, 2016.
Жамбаев Е.С., Аккулов Р.Т. - "Current Problems of improving the Environmental Certification and Output Compliance Verification in the Context of Environmental Management in Kazakhstan",  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE  EDUCATION, 2016,  VOL.11,  NO.15,  8006-8016.
Кабдышева Ж.К. - "Social, Economic and Legal Aspects  of Fighting Against Illegal Distribution of Drugs  or Psychotropic Substances", The Social Sciences 11 (23): 5975-5980, 2016. ISSN: 1818-5800. Medwell Journals, 2016
Барсукова Рита, Дусанбекова Молдир - "Analysis Of Institution Of Punishment On Criminal Law Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan And Foreign Countries", The Social Science 10(7): 2066-2070 2015, ISSN:1818-5800 Medwell Journals, 2015.

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