Social and educational activities of the department
One of the important areas of the department's work is educational work. Its common goal is the versatile development of the personality of a future competitive specialist with a professional higher education, possessing high culture, intelligence, social activity, and the qualities of a patriot citizen.
The main task of the educational activity of the department is to create conditions for the active life of students, for civil self–determination and self-realization, for maximum satisfaction of the needs of students in intellectual, cultural and moral development.
According to the plan of educational work of the department, various events are held annually: conferences, Olympiads, round tables, brain rings and meetings.
The advisors and teaching staff of the department annually develop and approve a plan of educational work of the department, according to which advisory hours are held, as well as educational events are held monthly that affect current problems of modern youth, such as the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism among young people, gambling, excessive social media, etc.
The following tasks are the most specific and relevant:
1. Implementation, promotion and popularization of the annual Messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.
2. Formation of personal qualities necessary for the effectiveness of professional activity.
3. Formation of Kazakhstani patriotism, citizenship and patriotic consciousness, legal and political culture among students.
News of educational work:
Sports competitions
Athletic activity is one of the important indicators for longevity and maintaining mental clarity. The participation of the HSE “ZAN TAU” team in the “Fun Starts” did not bring us victory, but the competitive spirit lifted the HSE student team to the podium of the first place. The Fun Starts Cup has replenished the piggy bank of our school's awards! We sincerely congratulate the student team on this well-deserved victory!!!

Congratulations to the Zaman student team on winning the interactive game "Qazaq Quiz-2024"
27 ноября 2024 года в университете «Туран-Астана» был проведен интеллектуальный конкурс «Qazaq Quiz-2024»среди студенческой молодежи, организованный «Молодежным центром».
В нем приняли участие 6 командных групп с каждой кафедры университета.
В данном конкурсе от кафедры «национальное и международное право» приняла участие группа «Zaman» из 5 студентов группы ЮП-24-1 специальности «Юриспруденция» и заняла призовое 1 место.
Команда была награждена Дипломом I степени и кубком.
Состав группы:
1. Айтимбет Айша;
2. Қайекбай Кайрат;
3. Кадырова Айжан-капитан команды;
4. Султан Бибарыс;
5. Токмырзаева Алмаз.
Мерекелік концертке қатысу
Оқытушылардың оқу-тәрбие жұмысы тек кураторлық сағаттарды өткізумен ғана шектелмейді, мысалы, аға оқытушы Б. У. Турегелдиев ЮП-23-3, ЮП-23-1, Ус-ЮП-24-1 студенттерімен бірге Мемлекет басшысы Қ.К. Тоқаевтың қатысуымен Ш. Сариевті еске алуға арналған мерекелік концертке қатысты.
Tartipti ozinnen basta!
As part of the campaign "Tarti ozinnen basta", the teachers of the department held curatorial hours with students of all courses on crime prevention, on compliance with the rules of behavior in public places, including at the University. At the same time, each teacher chose his own format for communicating information to students: K.Zh. Kapsalyamov, N.U. Egizbayev and Abilkasova K.B. chose to watch a video with groups, a graduate student of the department led by R.A. Barsukova conducted an interactive lecture, Sataeva A.B. together with students made a video about observing the rules of conduct at the University.
Meeting with a representative of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The employment of our future graduates is a separate area of work of the Turan-Astana University. M.K. Musin, Head of the Department of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shared about the possibilities of entering the civil service within the framework of the “Young Civil Servant” program.
Excursion to the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
New Kazakhstan - new opportunities and prospects! Students of Turan-Astana University in the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan were able to see with their own eyes the main legislative body of the country from the inside, get acquainted with deputies and staff, ask questions of interest to them and share their ideas and plans.
ҚР Мемлекеттік қызмет істері агенттігінің өкілімен кездесу
Біздің болашақ түлектерімізді жұмысқа орналастыру-Тұран-Астана Университеті жұмысының жеке бағыты. ҚР Мемлекеттік қызмет істері Агенттігінің Департамент басшысы М. К. Мусин “Жас мемлекеттік қызметшілер” бағдарламасы бойынша мемлекеттік қызметке кіру мүмкіндіктері туралы бөлісті.
At the Department of National and International Law, a guest lecture was held by students with the Deputy head for educational work of the Institution #2 Department of the Penitentiary System of Astana, Major of Justice, Kaldybaev Samat Zhienbekovich, inspector of the institution #2, Senior Lieutenant of Justice Akhanova Gulzhan Sagidollaevna. The purpose of the guest lecture was to provide university students with information about the work and functions of the penal enforcement police, as well as about the opportunities and requirements for those who are considering serving in this organization, the possibility of continuing students' studies at the Academy named after Sh.Kabylbayeva of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The students were invited to ask the representatives questions about practical work in the bodies of the penal system. The staff of the Penal Enforcement Police spoke in detail about the functions and duties performed during the service, including monitoring prisoners, following court orders and ensuring security in penal institutions. The lecture ended with gratitude to the students for their participation and to the staff of the Penal enforcement police for an informative and interesting presentation.
On September 12, 2023, a meeting on legal and spiritual and moral education among 1st year students was held at Turan-Astana University. The meeting was also attended by students of the Department of National and International Law majoring in "Jurisprudence", "International Cooperation Law", "Legal regulation of the economy". The speakers of the meeting were: inspector of juvenile Affairs of the local police service department of the Saryarka district Police Department, police captain A.E. Kairbekova, senior operative of the Criminal Police Department, police Captain Ordabek N.B., general practitioner
of Astana clinic Platonova E.L.
The purpose of the meeting is to familiarize students with the basics of medical knowledge and law and order, as well as raising awareness about health and safety.
The medic gave a lecture on basic medical skills and first aid measures. Police officers provided information on laws, safety rules and crime prevention.
As a result of the meeting, students had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss important topics, expressed interest in the presented material and actively participated in discussions, as well as speakers voiced contact details for urgent cases and consultations to students.
On May 6, 2023, the student team of the University "Turan-Astana" took 3rd place at the mini-football tournament in Karaganda, dedicated to the memory of Tolkeev Zh.S. The team coach is a senior lecturer of the Department of National and International Law Mukhataev M.M.
A team tournament among the elders of Turan-Astana University and advisors under the slogan "FASTER, HIGHER, STRONGER".
On March 1, 2024, an exciting team tournament was held among the elders of Turan-Astana University and advisors under the slogan "FASTER, HIGHER, STRONGER".
Students and teachers demonstrated not only their athletic skills, but also the spirit of team competition, proving that together we are a force.
Congratulations to all participants on their outstanding performances and enduring achievements.
On March 1, as part of the "Day of Gratitude" holiday, students of the 2nd, 4th courses, at the initiative of curators Yagmusova A. F., Kakimzhanova N.T., purchased fruits, sweets and visited a nursing home. The main goal was to spend time with the older generation who need additional attention and support.
Upon arrival, the students conducted a small tour of the house and got to know the residents. During the visit, the students held fun games, talked, listened to stories, memories from the lives of the residents of the house, performed musical numbers, danced, played musical instruments, and had a tea party.
On November 14, 2022, students of the Department of National and International Law under the guidance of lecturer of the Department Yagmusova A.F. and teacher Kakimzhanova N.T. visited ALGERIA, where over 18 thousand women were imprisoned in different years, women whose fault was only that they were simply wives of arrested, shot "enemies of the people".
The museum's exposition is located on two floors. Thanks to competent guides, watching a film about the history of the prisoners of the camp, one felt respect for all the victims of the Stalinist regime, and pain, and understanding.
Guest lecture by juvenile police officers of the local police service for 2nd year students of the specialties "Jurisprudence", "Legal regulation of the economy", "International law" on the topic "False terrorism and crime prevention".
On March 1, our university was visited by members of the juvenile police of the local police service, who conducted an exciting and informative guest lecture for 2nd year students of the specialties "Jurisprudence", "Legal regulation of the economy", "International Law".
The topic "False terrorism and crime prevention" aroused great interest and stimulated an active discussion. We thank Senior Lieutenant Kulmagambetov R.K., Lieutenant Colonel Imanzhanov A. and Major Koilybaev A. for the valuable knowledge and experience they shared with our students.
Culinary reality show in public: "we have the most delicious tortillas and bagels"
So the long-awaited culinary reality show took place in our hostel called "Bizde en damdi shelpek pen bauyrsak bar"!
On February 21, 2024, our students, together with their advisors and respected teachers, plunged into the world of culinary art to create delicious masterpieces, embodying the spirit of the Kazakh tradition!
Through the aromas of tortillas, delicate pancakes and traditional bauyrsaks, we felt the real spirit of friendship, creativity and taste!
We thank all the participants for their efforts, talent and cheerful mood! May each culinary experiment bring joy and new delicious discoveries!
The Department of National and International Law took part in Darmark 2024.
On February 23, 2024, we were part of an incredible event – Darmark 2024. We came together to support those who need our help, and together we created an atmosphere of warmth and kindness. We thank the organizers and participants for the opportunity to be a part of a wonderful event and everyone who contributed to charity. Together we can make the world brighter and kinder!
Воспитательная работа играет немаловажную роль в формировании личности студента, поэтому в этом направлении ведется работа всеми преподавателями кафедры НиМП. Проведение совместного досуга со студентами, посещение различных мероприятий, соревнований, субботников, подготовка к посвящению студентов — все это способствовало укреплению дружеской атмосферы среди обучающихся, объединению командного духа, а также повышению уровня культуры.
Today, teachers of the NandIL department and first-year students took an active part in the “Taza Kazakhstan” campaign and contributed to the cleanliness of our city and the territory of our university.