Diploma of your own sample

Description of the bachelor's degree from the University of Turan-Astana

The front side of the diploma blank is presented as follows:


• the name of the university in capital letters - "TURAN-ASTANA" UNIVERSITY;

• in the center there is a TAU logo - "Turan-Astana-University";

• level of completed education - ZHOGARY BILIM TURALY DIPLOMA;

• a QR code is placed on the left side of the diploma form;

The inside of the bachelor's degree form contains the following information:

• name - University "Turan-Astana";

• date and number of the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission;

• surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the graduate;

• code and name of the educational program (specialty);

• awarded degree - BACHELOR;

• form of education;

• signature of the head of the University "Turan-Astana";

• seal of the University "Turan-Astana";

• date and place (city) of issue, Nur-Sultan;

• serial registration number.

The logo of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) is placed on the right

side of the reverse side of the diploma blank.

It is filled in the state, English and Russian languages.

The color of the bachelor's degree blank is green.


Description of the master's degree from the University of Turan-Astana

The front side of the master's diploma form is presented as follows:


          • the name of the university in capital letters - "TURAN-ASTANA" UNIVERSITY;

          • in the center there is a TAU logo - "Turan-Astana-University";

          • level of completed education - MASTER'S DIPLOMA;

          • a QR code is placed on the left side of the diploma form.

The reverse side of the master's diploma form contains the following information:

          • name - University "Turan-Astana";

          • date and number of the minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission on awarding the degree (if any);

          • surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the graduate;

          • code and name of the educational program (specialty);

          • awarded degree - MASTER;

          • form of education;

          • signature of the head of the University "Turan-Astana";

          • seal of the University "Turan-Astana";

          • date and place (city) of issue, Nur-Sultan;

          • serial registration number.

The logo of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) is placed on the right side of the reverse side of the diploma blank.

It is filled in the state, English and Russian languages.

The color of the master's diploma blank is pink.








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