University Management

University management

The composition of the leadership

Japarova Gulzhamal Alkenovna

Japarova Gulzhamal Alkenovna

Rector of the "Turan-Astana" University, Professor
T. Aubakirov

T. Aubakirov

Rector's Advisor
The first Kazakh cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Halyk Kaharmany, doctor of technical sciences, professor
Даубаев К. Ж.

Даубаев К. Ж.

First Vice-Rector
Doctor of Economics, Professor
O. Aliyev

O. Aliyev

Vice President of Turan Educational Corporation
Doctor of Economics, professor, full member of the Philosophical and Economic Scientific Assembly of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Smoilov S.Zh

Smoilov S.Zh

Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation
Doctor of PhD
A. Kapenova

A. Kapenova

Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, External Relations and Post-University Education
PhD in Economics

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