Kozhan Tolebay Azhibekuly – judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Board of Trustees created in accordance with the University Charter and Regulations on the Board of Trustees to assist the university in the field of training of students, improvement of material and technical support of the educational process, financial support for the University's activities, innovative processes for more efficient interaction with governments, institutions, organizations, enterprises.
The main tasks of the Board of Trustees are:
1) promote the continuous functioning and development of the University;
2) participate in improving the educational process and improving the quality of education;
3) strengthening the training and material and technical base of the University;
4) support for innovation and research activities;
5) assist in the improvement of the educational system for the formation of the Kazakhstan patriotism, citizenship, tolerance, moral and spiritual, physically healthy and socially active person;
6) joint efforts in the implementation of financial, material and other forms of support;
7) additional resources for the operation and development of the University.