Alumni community

Alumni community

Association of graduates of the University "Turan-Astana"

Today "Turan-Astana" is a University, which is the leading capital university of the republic, enjoys well–deserved authority among Kazakhstani and foreign universities. However, graduates receive not only high-quality education that meets international standards, they preserve and multiply the traditions of Alma Mater. And the TAU Alumni Association, which is being created at the University, is designed to contribute to this in many ways. The Alumni Association is a beneficial foundation for maintaining ties with the university, exchanging experience, realizing the professional, scientific and creative potential of graduates. Membership in the Association guarantees an unbreakable connection with the Alma mater, the opportunity to always be aware of the current activities of the university.

We are proud of every graduate and invite you to join the friendly TAU family!

The first head is T.S. Kairzhanov


Public association "Community of graduates of the University "Turan-Astana"

The association was formed for the purpose of mutual cooperation of graduates of Turan-Astana University in the field of realization and protection of cultural, creative, material, and social rights and freedoms of its members, development of activity and amateur activity, satisfaction of professional and amateur interests.


The main objectives of the association are:

  • - Association of graduates for the implementation of statutory tasks;
  • - assistance in improving the professional level of graduates and students of the University "Turan-Astana";
  • - involvement of students and young professionals in the implementation of projects on orders, both members of the association and other firms and companies.

The main activities of the association are:

  • - Protection and representation of the interests of the members of the association;
  • - professional development through conferences, seminars, trainings;
  • - providing legal assistance to the population, small businesses and members of the association;
  • - joint activities with related and other organizations for the development of the rule of law in Kazakhstan;
  • - research activities;
  • - publication of information materials, results of research activities, conference materials, reviews of the association's activities;
  • - participation in charitable activities.


The first head, Master of Economic Sciences - Temirlan Sayranbekovich Kairzhanov

Contacts: +7 702 671 43 90

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 Charter of the alumni association


Learning programs

Contact Center