Research work of students (R&D) -2020
In 2020, 60 students of the university became winners of online competitions of research papers, subject Olympiads, conferences of interuniversity, republican and international levels.
Prize-winners and winners of Republican contests of Research and Development (NIRM) and subject Olympiads:
A 2nd-year student of the specialty "Finance" Sabyrzhan Zhanerke took 1st place in the Republican competition of research works of students in the specialty "Finance". Scientific supervisor – Candidate of Economics, Professor of the Department "Finance, Accounting and Evaluation" Esymkhanova Z.K. The competition was held at the Kazakh Academy of Labor and Social Relations (Almaty), where 60 students from different universities of Kazakhstan presented 46 works. Sabyrzhan Zhanerke presented a scientific paper on the topic "Assessment of the activities of insurance companies in Kazakhstan in the context of financial security".
At the same competition, a 2nd-year student of the specialty "Finance" Saparova Talshyn took 2nd place in the Republican competition of research works of students in the specialty "Finance".Scientific supervisor – Candidate of Economics, Professor of the Department "Finance, Accounting and Evaluation" Esymkhanova Z.K. Saparova Talshyn presented a scientific paper on the topic "Assessment of local budget revenues and their role in the development of the regions of Kazakhstan" for the competition.
The III place in the International and Republican Student Olympiad on the technique and tactics of active types of tourism among students of the specialty "Tourism" in the nomination "The best tourist and local history route" was taken by two teams of the University "Turan-Astana" (leaders - Atikeeva S.N., Karazhanova M.H., students of the 1st team: Aisakhan M., Pak E., Satova A., Baimbayeva K., students of the 2nd team: Duysebek G., Esengeldi D., Tileubek S., Makanova D. (Date: from October 19 to November 30, 2020, organizer: Faculty of Economics of L.N. Gumilyov ENU.
Kasymova Diana Aitpaevna, Diploma of the winner of the V International Research Competition, 1st place, undergraduate, 20.11.2020. Scientific supervisor – Zhantikeev S.K., Candidate of Psycho.N., professor
Gulya Kristina Igorevna, Diploma of the winner of the V International Research Competition, 1st place, master's student, 20.11.2020. Scientific supervisor – Zhantikeev S.K., Candidate of Psycho.n., professor
Zheksembayeva Aruzhan, Diploma of the II degree, Republican contest "Tauelsizdigim tuymmen tugyrly, Eltanbammen enseli", National Innovative Research Center "BILIM ORKENIETI". Scientific supervisor – D.O. Makhmetova, lecturer of the department "Design, Service and Tourism".