The Department of Academic Affairs is the primary structural division of TAU responsible for planning, organizing, and enhancing the educational process while monitoring the quality of specialist training. In its activities, the Department of Academic Affairs adheres to various regulations, including but not limited to:
- The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education."
- Government Decrees of the Republic of Kazakhstan governing the education sector.
- Regulatory legal acts issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- State mandatory education standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Model rules for organizing university activities.
- TAU's Charter.
- University management orders and directives.
- Internal documents of TAU.
- University-specific internal regulations.
- Regulations on academic policy, and more.
Department`s main functions
Primary Functions of the Department:
Participation in the development and implementation of a unified academic policy aligned with TAU's mission and the 2021-2025 strategic plan.
Planning and forecasting educational activities within structural units.
Ensuring compliance with and adherence to the legislative norms of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the university's educational activities.
Organizing efforts to enhance the efficiency and quality of the educational process.
Developing and approving modular educational programs, elective course catalogs, working curricula, and programs implemented by the university. This includes preparing and executing plans for the introduction of new fields, educational programs, and education formats.
Implementing innovative technologies in the educational process and supporting teaching staff in adopting and developing innovative programs and technologies.
Updating educational and scientific-methodological documentation.
Coordinating and implementing accreditation work for educational programs across various training areas and levels.
Organizing conferences, seminars, roundtables on topics related to educational process quality assurance, teaching methodology enhancement, and methodological support.
Conducting external events to foster professional training, scientific and methodological work.
Initiating efforts to digitalize and informatize the learning process and its management.
Participating in the assessment and adaptation of acquired or created software products for educational purposes.
Strengthening traditional areas of methodological work while exploring new forms of methodological activities.
Organizing the preparation and execution of accreditation processes (institutional and specialized).
The Department for Academic Affairs includes the following structural units:
- Office of Registrars
- Center for Practice, Employment, and Career
Director of Academic Affairs:
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Dairabayeva Aizhan Serikovna
Phone: +7 (7172) 39-81-18 (ext. 125)
Room: Educational Building "B," Room 101
Working Hours: 09:00 to 18:00 hours
Department Composition:
Dairabayeva Aizhan Serikovna, Director of Academic Affairs
Department members