Rules for successful employment

Rules for successful employment

1. Atlas of new professions

2. Effective ways to find a job.

Career center at the university. There are several directions for finding a job for university graduates. One of them is the employment service at the university (employment department). As a rule, the university employment service has its own database of vacancies, where there are interesting options. Employees of employment promotion departments organize seminars - trainings, employment lessons in order to inform students and graduates about the situation on the labor market and employment mechanisms. Almost all career centers in any region organize meetings and round tables with employers. Taking part in the round table, you can ask a couple of questions during the break. If you do not know where to start, ask about the founders of the company, the range of its products. The more time you spend around people who are already working, the better you will understand what else can be improved in your behavior. In addition, at such meetings, students are offered to fill out questionnaires, resumes, applications for vacancies of participating companies.

If you are a student or a graduate of TAU University - for help in finding a job, you can contact the Center for Alumni Career and Marketing of Educational Services at Nur-Sultan, st. Dukenuly, 29, Building "B", room 217

  Direct contact with the employer. Employment opportunities and advertised vacancies are not the same thing. You have not seen a company announcement about a suitable vacancy for you, but you think that it might be there? Then send your CVs, preferably with cover letters.

If you are a student or a graduate of TAU University - for help in finding a job, you can contact the Center for Alumni Career and Marketing of Educational Services at Nur-Sultan, st. Dukenuly, 29, Building "B", room 217

            Direct contact with the employer. Employment opportunities and advertised vacancies are not the same thing. You have not seen a company announcement about a suitable vacancy for you, but you think that it might be there? Then send your CVs, preferably with cover letters.

Company presentations and job fairs. Job fairs are held in universities in autumn and spring. At first, representatives of companies make presentations or hold business games, and then you can personally communicate with them. Business games are especially useful in terms of employment - often after one day of work in a team you are immediately offered an interview. There is a similar opportunity at company presentations (announcements about them are posted in advance at universities).

By participating in company presentations and job fairs, you:

Get the opportunity to directly meet and communicate with company representatives and HR managers.

You can learn about recruitment programs and internships in companies, what employers require for candidates. Get information about the state of the labor market: for example, it is useful to know what is the current demand for you as a specialist. You can leave your resume, get acquainted with the list of offered vacancies and pass a mini-interview.


A number of newspapers and magazines regularly publish vacancies, including those for young professionals and students. Many newspapers have a section on career building. It explains the intricacies of working in various companies. Sometimes it can be helpful to find out who is who in the market and choose the company you want to work for.


On the sites you can not only find vacancies, but also leave your resume, having the opportunity to find a job not only in your region. You can also find descriptions of job descriptions of a particular specialist.

The websites of employers contain the latest lists of vacancies, application forms for internships. By e-mail, you can also send your CV and cover letter (why do you want to work in this particular company for this position).

Relatives, friends and classmates. Having determined for yourself what kind of work you are looking for, explain it to everyone around you. The more people who help you, the better. Periodically ask about vacancies from friends and classmates.

State employment centers. Here you can use the information bank of vacancies. Get individual advice, pass professional testing. Public employment centers provide services free of charge.

Recruitment agencies. Most recruitment agencies are interested in recruiting mid- and senior-level specialists. At the same time, having more than a year of work experience and a completed higher education, you become attractive to other recruitment agencies.

It must be remembered that there are two main types of recruitment agencies:

Recruitment agencies (recruitment agencies). Carry out paid by the client, employers, orders for the search and selection of personnel. Such an agency does not undertake any obligation to employ applicants.

Еmployment agencies. In one form or another, they charge a fee from applicants who apply to the agency for help in finding a job. And companies-employers are offered free recruitment services.

Telephone conversations with the employer

The phone will help you save time and effort when looking for a job. However, the lack of telephone skills, self-doubt or fear of rejection lead to reluctance to use the telephone, which significantly reduces the chances of employment.

Benefits of a phone call:

the telephone allows you to call a large number of enterprises in a short time and find out about available vacancies;

• Skillfully using the phone, even if the vacancy is already filled, you can get other useful information, for example, to find out where there may be similar vacancies;

• in a telephone conversation, the applicant gets a chance to best present their positive aspects and create a good impression of themselves.

Talking on the phone requires certain skills and compliance with generally established rules:

Preparing for a conversation gives you a chance to take the initiative, lead and control the conversation, so it is advisable that the data that you give by phone to a future employer be carefully thought out before the conversation begins (maybe even recorded).

First you need to introduce yourself, clearly state the reason for your call and ask to be connected to a representative of the company authorized to negotiate for employment. Addressing the employer by name and patronymic reduces the psychological distance and gives him a pleasant impression of the interlocutor and the seriousness of his intentions.

When talking on the phone, you should remember that the interlocutor does not see you, therefore, the correctness and politeness of your speech, the pleasantness of intonation become especially important for building your image.

You should not rush when talking on the phone, the interlocutor learns new information more slowly during such interaction. Briefly describe your education, qualifications, experience, skills, personal qualities, interests. It is useful to take the initiative and find out if something needs to be repeated or dictated.

Having won the interest of the employer, ask him for a meeting, offer to send him your resume. In case of refusal, try to get information from the interlocutor about where similar vacancies may be or appear in the near future. Offer to write down your coordinates.

When ending the conversation, it is necessary to clearly understand for yourself how the negotiations ended, whether the meeting will take place in the future (where and when) or another phone call is required (when and who will call whom).

Remember that whatever the outcome of a phone conversation, a polite goodbye will help cement a good impression of you. Thank the other person for the time they spent with you.

If your employer called you

If the initiative of the call does not come from you, but from the employer, and you are uncomfortable talking at this moment or you are simply not psychologically ready for the interview, then it is best to reschedule the telephone interview. The answer can be formulated as follows: "Thank you for paying attention to my candidacy, thank you for the call. I was very interested in your offer, but, unfortunately, I cannot talk now. Can I call you back at another time?" Thus, you clearly enough express your interest in the vacancy.

After the end of the conversation, be sure to ask what your next steps are: when you can wait for the result of the interview. If you know the email address of the employee who communicated with you, after the conversation, you can send him a short reminder letter in which, in addition to gratitude for the conversation, once again list your strengths as a professional.

Graduate presentation example

What to write?

1. Full name, faculty, specialty, course

2. Achievements (indicate if they may be of interest to the employer)

3. Participation in olympiads, contests, competitions (indicate only those events or works that are related to study)

4. Practice, work experience (indicate the type of practice and place of passage; indicate the place of work and position)

5. Participation in social work (social activities within the university, not counting studies)

6. Additional education (courses)

7. Proficiency in foreign languages (indicate the language and level of proficiency)

8. Computer skills (list computer programs that you own)

9. Hobbies, hobbies

10. Plans to continue education (indicate what education you plan to receive after graduation)

11. Employment plans (you can indicate the type and scope of activity in which you would like to work, or the name of the positions that you are interested in with employers)

12. Life credo (motto that you always follow)


What should I say?

1. Introduce yourself and tell about yourself.

2. Tell us about your achievements and participation in conferences (olympiads), etc. Be sure to emphasize the effectiveness, but only if you took a worthy place. If not, please tell us how this event has benefited you personally.

3. Tell us more about your internship and work experience. What duties did you perform and what did you learn? Your story can be supplemented with personal competencies.

4. Tell us about community service at the university and how it benefits you.

5. Tell us about your additional education and what qualifications you were given at the end, or what certificate you received.

6. Tell us about your skills in foreign languages and computer programs. Your story can be supplemented with professional competencies.

7. Briefly list your interests and hobbies to show that you are a versatile person and make time for your interests.

8. In the story about plans to continue education, indicate the purpose for which you plan to continue it, perhaps indicate the connection with the specialty you have already received or with your future work (activity).

9. In a story about future employment plans, you can express your wishes for future work, as well as tell what contribution you could make to the development of the enterprise, having established yourself as a highly qualified specialist in your professional field.

10. Finish your speech with a bright motto that would characterize your life principle.

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