Educational work

Educational work

Educational work


The educational process at the Department of Design, Service and Tourism is based on the main documents of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the activities of higher educational institutions in the education and upbringing of youth, and also focuses on the priorities specified by the President of Kazakhstan in the “Address of the President to the People of Kazakhstan” and in “ Development Strategies of Kazakhstan-2050".

Educational work at the Department of Design, Service and Tourism is a key component in the formation of full-fledged specialists. Coordination between the leadership of the department and group supervisors provides a systematic approach to the education of students: the formation of a sense of patriotism, the development of business and professional skills.


Coordination of educational work with the comprehensive plan of the Turan-Astana University guarantees compliance of these activities with the overall strategic goals of the educational institution.

Regular meetings of the department to discuss issues of educational work contribute to the analysis and improvement of methods and approaches to the education of students. This is important in order to take into account the changing needs and challenges facing young people and educational institutions.

Much attention is paid to informing students about the most important events in the country and abroad, explaining the provisions of the state’s domestic and foreign policies, and the features of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Issues regarding tuition, attendance and academic performance are addressed.

As part of legal education, curators introduce students to such documents as: “Social package for students”, “Rules for living in a dormitory”, “Student Honor Code”, “Regulations on the personal scholarship of Tokhtar Ongarbaevich Aubakirov at Turan-Astana University”, “Regulations about the student parliament of Turan-Astana University”, “On the fight against corruption”, etc.

In vocational education, special attention is paid to the formation of a high level of independent cognitive activity in students. The guys take an active part in scientific conferences of students and young scientists, in Republican Olympiads in the specialties “Tourism” and “Design”.

Throughout the academic year, teachers of the department inform students about employment opportunities during their free time from study; representatives of travel agencies are invited to conduct master classes.

Teachers of the department also visit student dormitories. At the same time, attention is focused on compliance with the rules of behavior in the student dormitory and respect for state property. Much attention is paid to academic discipline, regular attendance at lectures and practical classes, fire safety measures, etc.

Guest lectures are held annually with the participation of representatives of travel agencies and other organizations. On September 26, 2023, the department of “Design, Service and Tourism” invited the head of the travel company “Fantasy Tour” Mamaeva Raushan to give a guest lecture, she shared her experience and ideas on organizing tourism events. Her lecture was very informative and inspired new approaches in the tourism sector.

On September 24, 2023, the Department of Design, Service and Tourism organized and held an INITIATION INTO TOURISTS for first-year students, dedicated to the celebration of World Tourism Day. The event was an inspiring event that brought together young enthusiasts. Students went through several stages of the competition: passing the crossing, homework, and intellectual quizzes. The day highlighted the role of tourism in the global economy and encouraged students to create unique and sustainable travel projects to contribute to the development of the industry.

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