A lecture on financial literacy was conducted for the students of Turan-Astana University

A lecture on financial literacy was conducted for the students of Turan-Astana University

During the lecture, students learned about proper financial resource allocation and potential risks. 

On February 23, 2024, a lecture on financial literacy took place in the auditorium of Turan-Astana University. The speaker for the event was invited guest Daulet Tastubaevich Mukayev, a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, economist, and well-known blogger.

The lecture covered topics such as personal budget planning, financial risk management, as well as tools for savings and capital accumulation. Additionally, emphasis was placed on how to reduce potential risks in investment activities and safeguard against financial fraud.

Throughout the lecture, students received answers to their inquiries and outlined their future steps in the knowledgeable distribution and management of their own financial resources.

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