A meeting with representatives of Huawei was held at the Turan-Astana University.

A meeting with representatives of Huawei was held at the Turan-Astana University.

A meeting with representatives of Huawei ICT Academy was held at the Turan-Astana University.
The meeting was organized by the Director of the Digital Transformation Department A.S. Konev and the Acting Head of the Information Technology Department T.A. Dzhomartov.
After familiarizing themselves with the company's activities in the field of information technology, communication and communications, Symbat Sovetkhalykova - Talent Ecosystem Development Manager invited students of the educational programs "6B06101 - Information Systems", "6B06102 - Computer Science and Software", and "6B06103 - Digital Marketing" to register and take part in the "Huawei ICT Competition 2024-2025", which consists of three areas: networks, cloud technologies, programming languages, to test their knowledge and skills. This is an event by Huawei to exchange talented and competitive young students-specialists in the field of ICT around the world. Students who show the best results will be able to get a job at HUAWEI.
Students who successfully registered for the competition received memorable prizes and gifts from the company.
We thank the university management for the opportunity to touch the dream with one of the most successful companies in the world.

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