For their professional work and high performance, we want to express our gratitude to the following student group curators!

For their professional work and high performance, we want to express our gratitude to the following student group curators!

The curator is a key element in the process of adapting students to the new educational environment - they become literally guides in the first days of student life.

During their university education, students have to make important decisions on their own, which will later shape their life values. It is at this stage that they need someone to help them orient themselves, guide them, and provide support. Therefore, a significant role in the educational process at the university belongs to the student group curator.

It is worth noting that the evaluation of the academic group curator's work was conducted based on the "Curator through the Eyes of a Student" survey. The survey involved 1873 students. The questionnaire covered aspects of the curator's activities, from familiarizing students with the university event plan to the possibility of seeking support or making personal requests to the curator.

We would like to express our gratitude for the professional work and high performance to the following student group curators:

Imanqul Aizhan Nurtasovna,
Yagmusova Akerke Faizullaevna,
Tokeshova Kulziya Nygmetovna,
Kakimzhanova Nurgul Tukenovna,
Nigmanova Tatiana Yurievna,
Mukhataev Muratbek Meyrambekovich,
Aristambekova Zhumagul Isagalievna,
Gakharmanova Nargiz Bayramovna,
Zarkeshova Aigul Ermanovna,
Raushanova Indira Meshitbaevna,
Rakhmetkaliyeva Saltanat Amangel'diyevna,

We wish you good health and success in your work!

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