Guest lecture by Major of Police, Senior Forensic Scientist of the Operational Forensic Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Transport, Almaz Rahimgazyamovich Toktarov
Кафедра "Национальное и международное право"

Guest lecture by Major of Police, Senior Forensic Scientist of the Operational Forensic Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Transport, Almaz Rahimgazyamovich Toktarov

Today, April 25, 2024, as part of the educational process at the Department of Jurisprudence, students of the full-time program in the field of "Jurisprudence" had a unique opportunity to attend a guest lecture by Major of Police, Senior Forensic Scientist of the Operational Forensic Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Transport, Almaz Rahimgazyamovich Toktarov.

The topic of the lecture, "Forensic Records and Genomic Records," captured the interest of the students due to its relevance and significance in the modern world. Almaz Rahimgazyamovich Toktarov presented a profound analysis of the concept of forensic records and their role in combating crime in the transportation sector. He shed light on the methods and technologies used in modern forensic investigations, and also discussed the importance of genomic records in solving and preventing crimes.

The lecture took place in a friendly and productive atmosphere, with students actively asking questions and discussing the presented material. Almaz Rahimgazyamovich Toktarov shared his rich practical knowledge and experience in the field of forensic science, which sparked special interest among the audience.

We would like to express our gratitude to Almaz Rahimgazyamovich Toktarov for sharing valuable knowledge and information with us today. This lecture has been an unforgettable and enlightening experience for all participants.

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