Introducing and involving the student community in "OpenEnglish" innovative social educational project
Кафедра "Социально-гуманитарные и языковые дисциплины"

Introducing and involving the student community in "OpenEnglish" innovative social educational project

On October 21, 2020, an open online seminar was held, organized at the initiative of the Public Fund "Zeraina" in the person of the director M.N. Rogatinskaya for teachers of the department "Social, humanitarian and language disciplines" and students of 1-4 courses of the specialty "Translation" of the Humanitarian and legal Faculty of the University "Turan-Astana" of the city of Nur-Sultan.

This event was held within the framework of the signed cooperation agreement between the Fund and the university and was aimed at introducing and involving the student community in a social project called "OpenEnglish", which is aimed at a wide range of people with knowledge of a foreign language.

Milana Nikolaevna made an introductory speech, where she spoke in detail about the significance and functionality of this project. In particular, she highlighted such points as who is eligible to participate, the conditions and requirements of the project, and the expected results. According to her, students with at least Intermediate level of English can receive free theoretical knowledge in the field of foreign language teaching methods, followed by practice at the center, which lasts several months. In case of successful completion of the internship and the final exam, the cadet will be issued a certificate and offered the possibility of further employment in this center.

The floor was also given to one of the practicing teachers of the English language of this project, a student of the group "T.B-18-2" Zhurina Sveta. She shared her experience and impressions of working at the center. Sveta encouraged students to believe in themselves and invited them to try their hand and send their applications for participation in the project.

The teachers and students present at this orientation seminar were interested in the information they heard, and they actively asked questions.

The meeting was productive. Both sides exchanged contacts.

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