meeting of Associate Professor of the Department of National and International Law Temirzhanova L.A. with the leadership of the teaching staff, undergraduates and students of the Northwestern University of Political Sciences and Law, Xian, Xianyang.

meeting of Associate Professor of the Department of National and International Law Temirzhanova L.A. with the leadership of the teaching staff, undergraduates and students of the Northwestern University of Political Sciences and Law, Xian, Xianyang.


From March 16 to 22, 2024, a business trip of a teacher, Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of "National and International Law" of the TEMIRZHANOVA L.A. Humanitarian Law School took place to the Chang'an campus                       Northwestern University of Political Sciences and Law - Xi'an, China/Xianyang.
A meeting was held with the leadership of the faculty, undergraduates and students of the Northwestern University of Political Sciences and Law. Negotiations on cooperation between the two universities and a visit to the campus also took place, negotiations were held with the heads of international law schools: with the School of National Security and the School of Criminal Law, the issuance of a certificate of appointment to the position of special researcher of the Chinese-Central Asian Center for Legal Identification and Research to the expert.
Temirzhanova L.A. spoke about the main activities of the Turan-Astana University, made a presentation on the topic: "Current problems of digitalization and cybersecurity in the Republic of Kazakhstan, shared practical skills, talked about pressing problems of digitalization and cybersecurity, revealed the main features of practice-oriented lectures, answered questions from teaching staff, undergraduates and students. Statistical data were announced to the audience, diagrams and presentations were shown.
As part of the planned excursion, they visited the historical museum of Shaanxi Province, the ancient city wall, the bell tower and drum tower, the Muslim street, the terracotta army, etc.

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