Modern trends in education: challenges of the time

Modern trends in education: challenges of the time

At the invitation of the National University of Uzbekistan named after. Mirzo Ulugbeka Professor of the Department of «СГН иЯД» , Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Zamira Juraevna Baubekova spoke at the Plenary Session of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals", held on May 29-31, 2023 in Tashkent. The conference was dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the National University. M. Ulugbek and the 60th anniversary of the creation of the Faculty of Philosophy. The conference was attended by scientists from France, USA, Turkey, Japan, Armenia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.

Of particular interest was the dialogue platform, where scientists as Michelle Smith Professor of New York University; Denis Fischler Professor at the Sorbonne University; Tanaka Reohei - Soka University from Japan; Academician Tagirov E.R., Rector of the Institute for a Culture of Peace (UNESCO), President of the International Humanitarian Academy "Europe-Asia"; Chumakov A.N. professor at Moscow State University and other scientists exchange experiences. Professor Baubekova Z.D. at the end of her report, she added that if the Mirzo Ulugbek National University celebrates its 105th anniversary, then the Turan-Astana University turned 25 years old. Despite its comparative youth, our university is a modern educational organization with all its inherent qualities.

After the end of the conference at the National University named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Baubekova Z.D. acted as a speaker at the Tashkent State University of Economics at the International Webinar “Modern trends and prospects for higher education”. There were interesting discussions about the ethnological and anthropological foundations of ethnopedagogics, the digital economy, the scientific activities of a higher school teacher.

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