Round table on the topic: "Implementation of the criminal procedure three-tier model at the stage of pre-trial proceedings".

Round table on the topic: "Implementation of the criminal procedure three-tier model at the stage of pre-trial proceedings".

On January 28, 2022 the round table on "Implementation of the criminal procedure three-tier model at the stage of pre-trial proceedings" was held by the MIA Investigating Department of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the representatives of the  General Prosecutor's Office, the B.Beisenov  Karaganda MIA Academy, the Academy of law enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor's Office, the LN Gumilev Eurasian National University, the "Turan-Astana" University, the M.S. Narikbaev KazGJU.

The event was held under the instruction the State Head K.K. Tokayev announced in the Message to the Nation of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2020, aimed at the introduction of three-link model of the criminal process and a clear separation of powers between law enforcement agencies, prosecution and the court. The main directions of the roundtable were current issues of pre-trial proceedings within the framework of a three-link model of criminal proceedings, the integration of science and practice, the improvement of scientific and educational activities, the introduction of practice-oriented curricula, new special courses and disciplines in the educational process. Opening the event, Head of the Investigation Department of the Interior Ministry, Police Colonel, PhD Adilov Sanjar spoke about the implementation of the three-tier model of the criminal process: "The main purpose of the three-tier model of the criminal process, the strengthening of the system of checks and balances, which provides for a clear separation of powers: - Police - detects crimes, identifies persons involved, collects and secures evidence; - Prosecutor's Office - supervises investigation and enquiry, suppresses violations of civil rights, supports prosecution in court, since January 1, 2022 - brings charges, makes indictments for certain categories of crimes investigated by IAB, anticorruption service, SSEP; - Court - during the investigation stage monitors the respect of human rights and freedoms, during the trial - makes a decision - guilty person or not.

In 2021, internal affairs agencies submitted more than 383,000 decisions for approval by the prosecutor's office, including decisions to declare a suspect, to terminate criminal proceedings and to interrupt the pre-trial investigation. In 2022, the prosecutor approved over 62,000 procedural decisions, including 28 decisions with a report on the completion of the pre-trial investigation. The Head of the Criminal Prosecution Service of the General Prosecutor's Office, Senior Advisor of Justice Dairabayev Nurman explained the novelties of the Law "On introducing amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the RK on the implementation of the three-link model with the division of powers and areas of responsibility between law enforcement agencies, prosecutors and the court".

In his report, Abeuov Dulat, Head of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of the B. Beisenov Karaganda Police Academy, spoke about the need to integrate science and practice, made a proposal to improve the educational process, introduce practice-oriented training programs for training future investigators. The proposal was supported by scholars from the Turan-Astana University, the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University and the M.S. Narikbayev KazGJU.

"We have one goal - to train competent specialists": said Sokurova Ermek, Head of the Law and Law Enforcement Education Programme, Teaching Professor of the Graduate School of Law at M.S. Narikbayev KazGJU. The round table concluded with the development of proposals for further cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the leading universities of the country, training specialists in the educational program "Jurisprudence" and "Law Enforcement".

With the words of gratitude spoke legal officer of University "Turan-Astana", associate professor of  "National and international law",Department  c.j.s. Ismagulova Aigul, who noted that "Investigation department of MIA became the centre of interaction, further cooperation of law enforcement bodies and higher educational institutions, collocation of modern science and practice that promotes improvement of quality of preparation of students - future employees of law enforcement bodies" 

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