Scientific Seminar of Professor Tunch Medeni on “Writing and publishing scientific articles in journals indexed by international databases”
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Scientific Seminar of Professor Tunch Medeni on “Writing and publishing scientific articles in journals indexed by international databases”

Scientific Seminar of Professor Tunch Medeni

On November 22, 2019, a scientific seminar “Writing and publishing scientific articles in journals indexed by international databases” was held at TAU University for the faculty members of the university.

The speaker of the seminar, PhD, Professor Tunch Medeni, being the editor of the journal indexed by Scopus database, spoke about the main features of writing scientific articles in English and gave recommendations to the authors on the preparation of scientific material according to the requirements of the journals.

The range of issues under discussion aroused great interest of the participants, who noted the practice-oriented nature of the workshop.

It should be mentioned that Professor Tunch Medeni was invited by our university as a foreign scientist within the program implementation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Attracting Foreign Scientists and Consultants to the leading universities of Kazakhstan in 2019”.

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