Solemn event dedicated to the Teacher's Day

Solemn event dedicated to the Teacher's Day

On October 5th at 12:00, a solemn event dedicated to Teacher's Day was held at Turan-Astana University. The event was attended by the university's rector, Gulzhamal Alkenovna Japarova, a representative from the High Command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Abay Bolukpayevich Tasbulatov, vice-rectors, and the university's teaching staff.


During this significant event, the rector expressed her deep gratitude and heartfelt congratulations to all the teachers and staff of the university. She emphasized their crucial role in education and their significant contribution to the future of the students.


The university's leader also presented letters of appreciation to the honored teachers for their invaluable contributions to society's development.


The official ceremony was accompanied by musical and dance performances by TAU students. This event served as a commendation for the teaching profession and education in general.


We extend our wishes for good health, family prosperity, and great success in educating the young generation to our teachers, staff, and colleagues.


Happy holiday, dear Teachers!

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