TALENT SHOW 2019 contest

TALENT SHOW 2019 contest

The brightest, most talented, creative students of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University and TAU University fought for the title of winner in the TALENT SHOW contest held within our university. 16 competitive performances were presented.

Participants represented their talents in several areas of art, such as: playing musical instruments, vocals, dancing, expressive reading of poems, etc. Each of the participants stood out with a special charm. Performances caused a real storm of applause.

The jury members nominated and awarded participants, thus, the dance group «ELECTRO BEATZ» took first place and became a winner, second place got the guest from KazATUZennatovAdilkhanwithBIT BOXnumber, and the third prize wonKusherbayevaAidana with a song “Bulbul”. We saw the best of the bestperformances!

Of course, many talented and bright personalitieswere graduated from our university. Exactly the competitions of this types help to open the new stars in our country.


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