The era and legacy of Yassaui recreated in the book of the same name

The era and legacy of Yassaui recreated in the book of the same name

     Khoja Akhmet Yassaui is a unique personality who played a pivotal role in 
shaping the worldview of the Kazakh people. Thanks to his asceticism and 
wisdom, Islam became the most important spiritual support of our 
ancestors. The great Sufi made a huge contribution to the fact that we are in 
the current civilizational paradigm, absorbing the treasures of intellectual 
thought, science, culture of the entire Muslim world and synthesizing them 
with the best achievements of other civilizations.
 It is no coincidence that K.K. Tokayev made his first trip after being elected 
to the post of President precisely to Turkestan, where he paid tribute to the 
sacred place for all Turks - he visited the Yassaui mausoleum.
 It is remarkable that the personality of the medieval sage is of great interest 
in society. I was convinced of this when I saw a full hall in the National 
Academic Library at the presentation of the books “Kozha Ahmet Yasauidin 
dunietanymy” and “The Spiritual Heritage of Yassaui”. These works were 
written by a famous scientist, professor, doctor of philosophical sciences 
Aidar Abuov.
 The books are the result of many years of work, the beginning of which was 
laid in the course of work on a doctoral dissertation. Then Aidar Parkulovich 
continued and deepened his research, enriching the content of the 
 This work is interdisciplinary in nature. Representatives of many disciplines – 
philosophers, theologians and religious scholars, culturologists, historians, 
and philologists – are working to understand the meanings of Yassaui’s 
himkets. Professor A. Abuov's book is a kind of synthesis of existing 
knowledge, their philosophical rethinking.
 It is important that the books were published in parallel in Kazakh and 
Russian languages, and these are not just translations, but separate 
independent works with their own specifics.
 I would like to congratulate Abuov Aidar Parkulovich on this significant 
event. I am sure that these books are needed not only by narrow specialists, 
but also by a wide range of people interested in our history and spiritual life. 
It is also pleasing that in the era of universal commercialization, the 
publishing house "Kokzhiek-Horizont" finds opportunities for publishing 
research literature, helping scientists find a way to their readers.

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