Webinar beyond the Traditional Academics
Кафедра "Психология и социально-гуманитарные дисциплины"

Webinar beyond the Traditional Academics

On April 15, 2020, a scientific and practical webinar was held at TAU University on the topic: “Innovative teaching methods in distance learning”. Participants of the webinar: scientists, university professors, colleges, undergraduates, students.

The purpose of the webinar: the exchange of experience, the definition of conceptual provisions, the identification of effective teaching methods and the formation of an innovative culture of students in online education.

Format: online dialogue and discussion platform. Colleagues from Almaty, Petropavlovsk, Atyrau, Uralsk, Zhezkazgan and others attended the webinar.

The speakers of the scientific dialogue were well-known scientists and teachers of Kazakhstan:
- A.Zh. Murzalinova, director of the branch of the Scientific and Production Center “Orleu” IPK PR in North Kazakhstan region, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Petropavlovsk;
R.R.Masyrova, Professor, Eurasian Technological University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Almaty;
K.N. Bulatbaeva, professor of ENU named after L. Gumilyova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences;
- As well as teachers of the department "Pedagogy and Psychology" TAU - Ph.D. Baubekova Z.D., Ph.D. Irgebaeva N.M.

During the webinar problems such as innovative and pedagogical aspects of distance learning were discussed: STRENGTHEN YOURSELF ON THE WAY TO EXIT THE CRISIS: APPROACHES TO EDUCATION, the innovative culture of future specialists as a strategic resource of the new century, etc. Undergraduates and students took part in the webinar, and this shows a scale beyond traditional academicity. The moderator was a professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Baubekova Zamira Juraevna.

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