Our goal

Business incubator
"Startup Univer"

Our goal

  • Business incubator

    Business incubator

    We do prepare independent entrepreneurs
  • Search and attraction of business mentors

    Search and attraction of business mentors

    and business angels, investors for project teams
  • Conduct practical courses

    Conduct practical courses

    interactive workshops with guest speakers
To subscribe

The Center of Entrepreneurship of the University "Turan Astana" organized a course of professional retraining of personnel with the issuance of a certificate. The retraining program is conducted by experienced certified trainers who are guided by both time-tested tools and the most modern technologies for conducting trainings, facilitation sessions and coaching, many of which are copyrighted. Upon completion of the courses, our students become unique specialists who possess the skills, knowledge and abilities to develop and conduct trainings, facilitation sessions; tools for training employees in the workplace. Thus, they become qualified field, functional trainers who are able to get practical results from training and employee involvement.

The Center has a Business School "Bisnes jastar", the result of which, for the month of November, is a startup "Ko'zaiym" - a student of the group US Diz 20-1 Aznabayeva Diana. The aim of the project is to preserve national values.

"Mysterious Forest" is the name of the author's work of the young artist designer Diana Aznabayeva, the painting is made with a thread, size 45 * 55 cm. The painting is undergoing a monetization stage and is put up for sale through social networks.

No less interesting is the project of Meyrbek Moldir, a student of the US Diz 20-1 group, who implements the startup project "Gasyrlar myrasy".

The project is also undergoing a monetization phase. The painting "Tangy Eles" is 60*80 in size, put up for sale through social networks.

The project "Surprise" is at the prototyping stage, the authors of which are students of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy Ansabayeva Madina and Bekanova Amina.

Directions of the business incubator

Startup Academy IT Laboratory
Psychological service "X-factor",
Travel Agency "EXPO Travel"
Student Legal Clinic "Adilet"
Consulting center "Innovative Business"
Language Center "Turan Speaking Club"
Agency "Turan Print"

Sections and curators are Residents, participants
Startup Academy IT LaboratoryAbdibekova L.M. 7, 15
Psychological service "X-factor" Murzataeva A.B. 18, 7
Travel agency "EXPO Travel" Nurmat A.I. 7, 4
Student legal clinic "Adilet" Zholdosheva A.Ya. 9, 2
Consulting center "Innovative Business"Iskakov B.M. 11, 9
Language Center "Turan Speaking" Mukhamedzhanova A.A. 12, 19
Agency "Turan Print" Kurmanov D.K. 2, 7

In the current 2019-2020 academic year, trainings for university students were conducted by 8 business coaches, active successful entrepreneurs, including:

- Danil Fayzulaev – Head of the Academy of Business and Public Speaking;

- Esentemirov Aybolat - Deputy Director of NCE RK "Atameken" - business seminar;

- Arman Akberdiev – businessman, business coach, founder of a consulting company;

- Yerlan Karimov – Leading expert of the Center for Entrepreneurship Development of JSC "Institute of Economic Research" MNE RK;

- Zhaiykbayev Yerlaz – business coach, personal growth motivation training;

- Arman Khamitov - business coach; founder of the Dostyk Educational Center;

- Rasul Taschanov - business coach;

- Camila Rolland – founder of the educational center;

- Amanzhol Alkey - founder of an IT company, winner of a Hackathon;

Residents of the business incubator themselves conduct trainings for students in order to develop professional skills and consolidate knowledge.

So, every Monday residents of the Language Center "Turan Speaking Club" conduct English language courses for students and teachers of the university.

Every Thursday, the curator of the section and residents of the Psychological Service "X Factor" conduct trainings and provide psychological counseling to students of our university.

Presentation about the Entrepreneurship Center in Microsoft Powerpoint format


Learning programs

Contact Center