Research work of the department

Research work of the department

Research work of the department

Much attention is paid to the organization of research work of students (NIRS). A system of scientific research work was created and functions, covering all stages of the training of psychologists.Students participate in the preparation of publications, make reports at the annual intra-departmental and intra-university conferences. An important outcome of NIRS is the preparation of graduate research papers.

The obtained results on research and development allowed the teachers of the department to prepare and introduce into the educational process sections of lectures, to develop new guidelines for laboratory work.

About 20 students took an active part in the research work of the department for the development of psychological trainings as part of the UIRS, NIRS, UNIL course and diploma projects.

At the department on a regular basis, meetings of the scientific circle "Psi-factor" are held. On September 27, a regular meeting was held on the topic: “The problem of loneliness in family relations”. Moderator Amanzhol Malika

10.25.2018, on the topic: “Conflicts in young families with and without children”. Moderator YesimkhanAygerіm

14.11.2018 on the topic: "The impact of parent-child relationships on the mental development of the child." Moderator ZhagyparAigerіm.

A student of the P-18-1 group KenzhebayevaAltynai took part in the national competition “XXI gasyrdagyAlashtynakZholy” with a scientific report on the topic: “Alashordalyktarideasy menStivenKoviideysynapsychologiyalyksalystyrmalytaldau”, held in the city, where she went to the city, where she went to work. 2 stages for the final third stage, which will be held at ENU. L.N.Gumilev, scientific supervisor professor SatievaSh.S. In total 150 students from higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan took part, 12 participants of the competition passed the final stage.

Students of the specialty “Psychology” took part in the XXXXIV open Republican (with international participation) scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren, students “The first step to a great invention”, which was held on October 13-14, 2018. At the end of the conference, a student of the P-15-1 group, ZekenovaZhansaya, was awarded a diploma in the nomination "Young Scientist - 2018", and a student of the P-15-1 group, KaumetovaTimbat, was issued a certificate.

KaumetovaKymbat, SattarovaMerey P-15-1 took part in certified training at the Astana Institute of Integrated Family Psychology on the topic “Tanatherapy” from October 22 to 23, 2018.

ZekenovaZhansaya P-15-1 was awarded a diploma in the nomination "Young Scientist-2018" at the XXXXIV open Republican (with international participation) scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren, students "The first step to a great invention" October 13-14, 2018. Head Associate Professor Irgebaeva N.M. awarded a diploma for the preparation of participants in this conference.

The department approved the following topics of research work of faculty:

1. "Psychological and pedagogical conditions of the effectiveness of educational activities" led by Ph.D. Professor KagNagymzhanova and n Professor Zhantikeev S.K. During the reporting period, a section of the monograph has been prepared, which deals with current problems of modern educational activities, especially the organization of training for students and undergraduates, the use of modern innovative teaching methods. Teachers of the department who study the characteristics of effective training organization with the presentation of empirical research results also take part in the preparation of the monograph.

2. Psychological and pedagogical features of the ethnic tolerance of students, led by art. Raushanova I.M. An empirical study of the problem of tolerance, taking into account the ethnic characteristics of students, has begun. The study involved students of 3-4 courses of the Kazakh branch of the University of Turan-Astana. Preliminary results will be presented at a conference organized by TAU Astana.

At the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, the following teachers participate in the grant programs

1. Irgebaeva N.M.p.s., associate professor on the topic: Prospects for the demographic development of the regions of Kazakhstan in the context of “MungilYel” MES RK grant financing for 2018-2020. in the priority direction “Scientific Foundations of Muslim of the Year” (education of the XXI century, basic and applied research in the field of humanities)


On April 28, 2020, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Baubekova Gulzamira Dzhurayevna and Associate Professor PhD Aubakirova Saule Dzhambulovna took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "PROBLEMS AND TRENDS OF SCIENTIFIC TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE CITY OF TRANSFORMATION OF THE COMPANY The Russian Federation.

Professor, Ph.D. Baubekova Gulzamira Dzhurayevna and Associate Professor PhD Aubakirova Saule Dzhambulovna were awarded with a diploma, the theme of the scientific article "ABOUT PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF DISTANCE LEARNING OF STUDENTS OF KAZAKHSTAN".

Congratulations, Gulzamira Juraevna and Saule Dzhambulovna!
We wish you success and new achievements!


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