Educational and methodical work

Educational and methodical work

Educational and methodical work


Educational and methodological work is aimed at improving the methods of teaching disciplines, direct methodological support of the educational process, introducing into it recommendations developed as a result of the implementation of scientific and scientific work, improving the pedagogical qualifications of the teaching staff and includes:

• drafting new educational work plans for areas of specialist training;

• drawing up work programs for newly introduced disciplines, reviewing existing programs;

• development of methodological materials for monitoring students' knowledge;

• drawing up maps of the provision of disciplines with educational and educational literature, educational and methodological documentation;

• drawing up documents for planning the educational process: discipline calendar plans, students’ independent work schedule, internship schedule, etc.;

• control visits to classes by the heads of the department: mutual visits to classes, participation in demonstration, open and trial classes;

• preparing and conducting instructional and methodological classes with teachers;

• all types of work to prepare a teacher for conducting classes;

• development of educational program documentation necessary for the educational process, including educational and methodological complexes in disciplines, areas of training, textbooks and teaching aids, lecture notes, problem books, tests; methodological developments on the use of new information technologies in the educational process and other educational and methodological documents;

• development of technologies for developing graduates’ competencies and their professionally significant personality traits as specialists in the learning process;

• methodological support for production practices, development of packages of individual tasks for them;

• design and production of visual teaching aids (layouts, models, demonstration stands, etc.)

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the department published 3 textbooks and 2 teaching aids (“Dinizhәnekazhylyk tourism”, “Fundamentals of tourism”, “History of Arts”, etc.) and an electronic textbook on “Ecological tourism” (computer program) for full-time and distance learning students forms of training that are used in the educational process

The department regularly conducts methodological seminars on improving MRM. Methodist of the department Atikeeva S.N. conducted a scientific and methodological seminar “Modern forms of organizing the educational process”, where new methods in teaching disciplines were presented, such as OnlineTestPad is a free universal constructor with which you can create a variety of tests, crosswords, scanwords, questionnaires, logic games, dialogues, with which you can not only test your students, but also give them the opportunity to better prepare for exams. Using the Quiz service on the platform, you can create tests and quizzes on various topics of the educational program, organize intellectual games and express surveys for students in class, and offer tests as homework.

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