Research work
The challenges facing modern jurisprudence are so complex that their solution requires research skills. The very profession of a lawyer (investigator, prosecutor, judge, lawyer, etc.) is of a search, research nature.
A lawyer should be able to:
- collect regulatory and factual information;
- interpret and apply laws and other regulatory legal acts;
- legally correctly qualify the facts and circumstances;
- to uncover and establish the facts of offenses;
- systematically improve their professional qualifications, study legislation and the practice of its application, navigate in the specialized literature;
- analyze judicial and administrative practice. Therefore, a modern lawyer should possess not only the necessary amount of legal knowledge, but also certain skills of creative solution of practical problems. All these skills are acquired at the university through the active participation of students in research work.
Practical seminar-meeting with participation of Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Major General S.A. Adilov and police officers
Students and teachers of Turan-Astana University took part in a seminar-meeting on the topic: "Countering crimes and offenses in railway transport, including drug and cybercrime," organized by the Police Department for Transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the event, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Major General of Police Adilov Sanzhar Askenovich, delivered a speech to the students, and Police Lieutenant Colonel M.S. Kaibar, Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Police Colonel S.A. Stiheev, Head of the Department for Combating Drug Crime in Transport, Police Colonel F.E. Elubaev, presented their reports., Head of the Cybercrime Department , Police Lieutenant Colonel Kurmanov R. M., Head of the Department of Educational and Personnel Policy of the DP on transport, police Colonel Aitov D.Z., head of the DP on transport, Major General Rysbaev A.K.
Practical exercises were conducted at the forensic training ground to inspect the scene of the incident. At the end of the event, the best third-year students were awarded personalized job invitations.
International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Policy of Unity and Harmony in Kazakhstan: Experience and Prospects”
Senior lecturers of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, K.B. Abilkasova and A.B. Satayeva, participated in the international scientific and practical conference “The Policy of Unity and Harmony in Kazakhstan: Experience and Prospects”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. During the conference, representatives of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, and scholars discussed the experience and prospects for the development of Kazakhstan’s policy of unity and harmony.

The next meeting of the scientific circle "Femida"
The speakers of the Themis scientific circle - fourth-year students Ilyasova Natalia and Nauryzbayeva Aidana under the guidance of senior lecturer Sataeva A.B. voiced relevant and interesting topics in the field of science of civil procedure law. Ilyasova N. reported on the problem of Artificial intelligence in civil proceedings, Nauryzbayeva A. spoke about the problems of scientific research in the field of law in the AIFC court. Separately, we want to note that the topics of reports in English have already been tested at the International Scientific and Practical Conference in Dortmund, Germany. In a solemn atmosphere, the speakers were congratulated by PhD, Associate Professor Karymsakov R.Sh.
"Қазақстанның халықаралық қызметінің конституциялық негіздері және оның интеграциялық бірлестіктерге қатысуы" тақырып бойынша қонақ дәрісі
Профессор, з.ғ. к. ж.Н. Баишевтің "Құқықтану", "Халықаралық құқық" мамандықтарының студенттеріне арналған қонақ дәрістер топтамасы бүгінгі таңда "Қазақстанның халықаралық қызметінің конституциялық негіздері және оның интеграциялық бірлестіктерге қатысуы"өзекті және қызықты тақырыбымен жалғасты. Дәріс барасында Қазақстанның халықаралық қызметін ҚР Конституциясымен құқықтық реттеудің негізгі аспектілері айтылды.
Guest lecture by an employee of the Police Department on Transport, police Lieutenant Colonel A.R. Zavotpaev "Inspection of the scene of murders" for students of the Higher School of Economics.
Our students are always looking forward to guest lectures, as they always learn a lot of new and interesting things. For example, today the chief criminologist of the operational criminalistic Department of the Police Department for Transport, Police Lieutenant Colonel Zavotpaev A.R. shared his knowledge with the students. The lesson was devoted to examining the scene of the murder cases. The students took a direct part in the inspection of the scene and were able to ask their questions.
R&D is a continuation and deepening of the educational process, one of the important and effective means of improving the quality of training lawyers with higher education.
The goals of students' scientific work are the transition from mastering ready-made knowledge to mastering methods of obtaining new knowledge, acquiring skills of independent analysis of socio-legal phenomena using scientific methods.
The main objectives of students' scientific work are:
- development of creative and analytical thinking, expansion of scientific horizons;
- instilling sustainable skills of independent research work;
- improving the quality of assimilation of the studied disciplines;
- development of the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and modern methods of scientific research in legal activity.
The research work of students carried out during extracurricular time includes:
- work in a scientific circle created at the department;
- participation in research work on the cathedral topic;
- presentations and presentations at scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences held at the university;
- participation in intra-university, inter-university and republican Olympiads and competitions for the best scientific work;
- preparation of publications based on the results of the conducted research;
- study and generalization of the best practices of legal practice (investigative, judicial, lawyer, prosecutor, notary, etc.).
The research work of students in the Law and International Law is represented by the participation of undergraduates and students in the work of the scientific circle "Themis" and the regular holding of scientific seminars of the department with the participation of students.
The main content of the activity of the circle is the performance of scientific research in extracurricular time on a certain topic of the department.
Within the framework of the work of the circle, the preparation of scientific reports and reports is provided, their hearing and discussion at the meetings of the circle is organized, the presentation of the best student works for competitions and conferences, the involvement of professors and teachers of the department in working with students, the organization of meetings of members of the circle with practitioners. Also, students participate in the republican subject Olympiads held annually.
Results of participation of students of the Department of "National and International Law" for 2023-2024
in international and national competitions
On April 18, 2024, the Republican Subject Olympiad in Jurisprudence for students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at Turan-Astana University.
The purpose of the Olympiad was to identify and develop the professional abilities of future lawyers. 24 higher educational institutions took part.
The Olympiad consisted of two rounds: in the first, participants solved test tasks in criminal and civil law, and in the second, situational cases in criminal and civil proceedings.
The works of each participant were evaluated individually, and the six students who scored the most points were recommended for awarding prizes.
According to the results of two rounds, the winner of the Olympiad was Armankyzy Kyzgaldak, a student of the University of Turan, head: K.A. Dzhumabayeva.
The diploma of the II degree was awarded to Sergey Ivanovich Moskal, a student of Astana International University, head: Borchashvili I.Sh.
The diploma of the II degree was awarded to Daniarkyzy Karlygash, a student of Astana International University, head: Seilkhanov Zh.D.
The diploma of the III degree was awarded to Milana Ruslanovna Oshlakova, a student of Caspian University, head: S.A. Akimbekova.
Kozyreva Anna Igorevna, a student of Caspian University, head: Dilmukhametov S.L., was awarded a diploma of the III degree.
The diploma of the III degree was awarded to Medetova Moldir, a student of the Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, head: Tazhigalieva M.Zh.
Turan-Astana University sincerely congratulates all participants of the Republican Olympiad on their impressive results and expresses its best wishes for new creative endeavors and professional achievements!
Senior lecturer of the Department Turegeldiev B.U. and Deputy Dean of the Higher School of Economics and GN Halel G.K. Took part in a round table on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions at the invitation of the Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Republic of Kazakhstan (ICRC).Within the framework of this event, welcoming speeches were heard by the head of the ICRC regional delegation, Bilyan Milosevic, and Todias Werder, Interim Commissioner for the Swiss Embassy, as well as reports on the Geneva Conventions.
On April 25, 2024, as part of the educational process at the Department of Jurisprudence, students of the full-time department of the Jurisprudence direction had a unique opportunity to listen to a guest lecture from police Major, senior criminologist of the operational criminalistic department of DP on transport Toktarov Almaz Rahimgazimovich.
The topic of the lecture "Forensic accounting and genomic accounting" interested students in its relevance and significance in the modern world. Toktarov Almaz Rahimgazimovich presented an in-depth analysis of the concept of forensic accounting and their role in the fight against crime in transport. He highlighted the methods and technologies used in modern forensic research, and also spoke about the importance of genomic accounting in the detection and prevention of crimes.
The lecture was held in a friendly and productive atmosphere, students actively asked questions and discussed the presented material. Toktarov Almaz Rahimgazimovich shared his rich practical knowledge and experience in the field of criminology, which aroused particular interest among the audience.
Thanks to Toktarov Almaz Rahimgazimovich for the valuable knowledge and information he shared with us today. This lecture was an unforgettable and informative experience for all those present.
On October 30, 2023, the IV International Student Internet Olympiad "Electoral Systems of the world" ended. This year, 2,476 students from CIS countries took part in it.
We are proud to announce that a student of our university "Turan-Astana" OP "International Law" Aidana Meirambek became a prize-winner and winner of the diploma of the winner of this Olympiad!
The organizers were the International Institute for Monitoring the Development of Democracy, Parliamentarism and Respect for the Electoral Rights of Citizens of the IPA CIS member States, the Saratov State Law Academy and the International Center for Scientific Information. The main goals and objectives of the Internet Olympiad are to increase the level of knowledge of young voters about the principles of democratic development of modern society, parliamentarism and the electoral rights of citizens, the formation of students' creative abilities and interest in scientific knowledge of the world.
The beginning of the academic week was marked by new achievements of our wonderful students under the guidance of senior teacher Sataeva A.B.:
1.Nikitina Sofya, a student of gr.Us-MP-23-2, took the II place in the Olympiad in “International Law”.
2. Alina Sarozhimova, a student of the gr.Us-YUP-23-2, took the first place in the international competition on “Roman Law”.
In December, the first republican competition of anti-corruption projects «Innovative solutions against corruption» ended in Karaganda. The event was organized by the akimat of the Karaganda region, the regional department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Anti-Corruption and the public association «Union of Youth and Children's Organizations of the Karaganda Region». From the 120 submitted projects 18 made it to the finals.
On December 1, 2023, at the final ceremony, the project of the senior teacher of the Department of National and International Law A.F. Yagmusova and 1st year student of the Faculty of Law K.A. Filippi was awarded a prize of 1,000,000 tenge from the public organization «Adildik Zholy» for the implementation of his project.
On November 17, 2023, the Police Department of the Karaganda region of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted the participation of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic in the essay competition "Modernization of the Kazakh police." Aydana Meyrambek, a 2nd year student of "International Law" direction at "Turan-Astana" University, and her scientific director Yskak S.A., a senior lecturer at the Department of National and International Law, were awarded for their contribution to this competition.
Exchange of scientific experience of teachers of the Department of National and International Law.
Assel Karipova, Associate Professor of the Department of National and International Law, and Akerke Yagmusova, Senior lecturer at @nuedukz at the "Impact Central: Bridging Social Development and Entrepreneurship in Central Asia" International Conference.
The Department of National and International Law took part in the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations based on artificial intelligence: the view of young researchers".
On February 28, the Department of National and International Law took part in the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations based on artificial Intelligence: the view of young researchers". This is an important event, jointly organised with the Moscow Polytechnic University, brought together scientists from different countries, including Kazakhstan, Spain, Germany, Angola, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and many others.
№ |
Name of the competition, project, scientific competition, sports competition |
Student data, result |
Level |
1 |
Championship on Youth Against Corruption held on 13 March 2023, Astana, Kazakhstan. «ЖАСТАР АЛАУЫ» ҚОҒАМДЫҚ БІРЛЕСТІГІ OSCE Programme Office in Astana |
CERTIFICATE Third Place Award Kanatkyzy Madina Zeinollaeva Aidana Barlybaeva Gulden |
Interuniversity |
2 |
For success in the case championship on Youth Against Corruption held on 13 March 2023, Astana, Kazakhstan. «ЖАСТАР АЛАУЫ» ҚОҒАМДЫҚ БІРЛЕСТІГІ OSCE Programme Office in Astana |
CERTIFICATE of Participation Suyumagambetov Daniyar Urazbekova Laura Mamaeva Elvira |
Interuniversity |
3 |
Republican essay contest among undergraduates "Reflections on the future", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Diploma 1st place Muyatova Malika |
intra - university Turan-Astana University |
4 |
According to the competition among students and students of higher educational institutions "seitov izbasary", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of O. S. Seitov, the team "continuity of Generations" was awarded Academy of law enforcement agencies under the general prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kosshi, 2023 |
II degree Diploma |
Republican |
5 |
Awarded to the head of the team "continuity of generations" Yagmusova Akerke Fayzullakyzy for her contribution to the attractive holding of the competition among students and students of higher educational institutions "Seitov izbasary", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of O. S. Seitov. Academy of law enforcement agencies under the general prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kosshi, 2023 |
Diploma |
Republican |
6 |
For the 1st place in the XV Republican subject Olympiad in the field of "law" among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on April 22, 2023 MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Almaty, 2023 |
Diploma I degree Daniyar Suyumagambetov |
Republican |
7 |
Confirms the participation of students of the University "Turan-Astana" in the XV Republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the direction "law", held on April 22, 2023. Caspian University Almaty, 2023 |
Certificate Daniyar Suyumagambetov Gulden Barlybayeva Aidana Zeynollaeva Kanatovna Madina Botakoz Serikbolovna |
Republican |
8 |
Confirms participation in the Republican Olympiad in international law KIMEP UNIVERSITY May 13, 2023 |
Certificate Elmira Kabilzhaparova Shakarim Rasul Bauyrzhan Kanatbekovich Amantaeva Madina Taishibayeva Ayazhan |
Republican |
In February 2023, a meeting of the scientific student’s club "Phemida" was held on the issue: "Actual problems of improving the penal enforcement legislation."
Students of the specialties "Jurisprudence", "International Law", as well as undergraduates of the specialty "Jurisprudence" took part in the work of the club.
On February 25 2023, the Department “of National and International Law” held a scientific and methodological seminar on the topic: “The implementation of the Concept of the Anti-Corruption Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2026”. Associate professor in Law R.Sh.Karymsakov made a report. Bachelor students and undergraduates of the Educational Program “Jurisprudence” and “International Law” took an active part in the seminar.
The speaker announced the progress in anti-corruption agenda in Kazakhstan and introduced some approaches to develop corruption fighting policy that will be realized through the implementation of the tasks specified in the Concept, answered the questions of the seminar participants.
The discussion of the fundamental issues of the “Concept of the Anti-Corruption Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2026” demonstrated the importance of adopting the Conception and the formation of intolerance towards corruption.
In March 2023, a regular meeting of the scientific student club "Phemida" was held. The subject of the meeting was the discussion of issues of civil law regulation of representation relations, letter of attorney, civil law terms.
Students of EP 6B04201 "Jurisprudence", EP 6B04202 "International Law", as well as undergraduates of EP 7M04201 "Jurisprudence" took part in the work of the "Phemida" club.
The reports of students and undergraduates were heard, reflecting certain aspects of the study of master's theses and graduation projects, including - A. Aytzhan "Representative office", A. Zhenisbek and M. Enbekov "Letter of attorney", S. Senbi "Agreement", T. Kazyken " Deadline".
Representatives of law enforcement bodies attended the meeting of the club. The best reports were recommended for publication.
In April 2023, within the framework of the scientific and methodological seminar of the Department of National and International Law, a speech was organized by the professor of the Department, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kapsalyamov Kairat Zhaksylykovich on the topic: "Methods of conducting classes in special legal disciplines". K.Zh. Kapsalyamov in his speech, based on a scientific analysis of the teaching methods of active forms of education, generalized the organization and procedural order of conducting various types of classes with students and undergraduates on the example of the discipline of criminal procedure law.
In addition, at the scientific and methodological seminar, Professor K.J. Kapsalyamov shared his experience in developing programs for a Mass Open Online Course (MOOC), elaborated on the methodology for the formation of teaching materials for Digital educational resources of the Central Educational Institution, as well as on the problems of developing the structure and coordination of video lectures.