Educational and methodological work

Educational and methodological work

Educational and methodological work

Educational activities of the department "Information Technologies" are highly qualified specialists, including doctors and candidates of science, professors and associate professors, PhD doctors and teachers who have a great experience of teaching and research.

The department "Information Technologies" provides all kinds of educational process in the fixed disciplines - lectures, laboratory and practical classes, tests, conducting mid-term controls, independent work of students. The content and level of subjects taught meets the requirements of SCES, the requirements of approved professional standards, meets the needs of modern science and technology.

All kinds of innovative teaching methods are used in classes, classes are conducted in an interactive form, as well as using multimedia tools.

Practical and laboratory classes are held in specialized classes and laboratories. At the “Information Technologies” Department created the Center for Scientific Innovation "Digital Lab" (classrooms B302, B303, B304, B305, B306, B307, B308, B309, B310, B311, B312), which consists of 11 specialized classrooms equipped with modern computer technology in the amount of 137 units and the same number of jobs for training students, such as:

- Center for Scientific Design and Legal Researches;

- Center for Economic Research and Financial Management;

- «Physics and electrical circuits» laboratory;

- «Programming» laboratory;

- «Computer Systems Architecture» laboratory;

- « Information Systems Design » laboratory;

- « Computer networks » laboratory;

- «Intelligent Systems Design» laboratory;

- «Information Security» laboratory;

- "Computer Graphics" laboratory, equipped with 9 powerful computers for working with 2D, 3D graphics programs and 3D animation programs;

- "Electronics and Robotics" laboratory, which is equipped with 6 jobs complete with laptops and Arduino robots, as well as a 3D printer.

The "Information technologies" department’s Students are not only acquire deep knowledge, extensive outlook, a high level of culture, but also develop mobility, creativity and leadership skills. All this allows them to use their knowledge.

Learning programs

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