Educational and methodical work

Educational and methodical work

Educational and methodical work

Educational and methodological work is carried out in accordance with the requirements: state compulsory education standards; standard and working curriculum of educational programs. All methodological documentation is reviewed and recommended for use at department meetings and Academic committees. The content of the main educational programs, the sequence of their implementation, the depth of mastery in all areas of training fully comply with regulatory requirements and the demands of the labor market.

   The department is assigned 112 disciplines in the state and Russian languages, of which: for undergraduate studies - 91 disciplines; Master's degree – 21 disciplines. In assigned disciplines, the department provides all types of educational process - lectures, laboratory and practical classes, tests, midterm tests, independent work of students. The department has developed training programs (Syllabuses) for all disciplines of educational programs, Research Oriented Study has been developed and introduced into all syllabuses, all student written works undergo a plagiarism check procedure. For all types of professional practices and for all EPs of the department, programs and guidelines for internships have been developed and approved. After completing the internship, students submit reports and practice diaries. All disciplines of educational programs of all levels of training are 100% provided with educational and methodological documentation. All educational content of the departments’ disciplines are included by the department’s teaching staff  in the AIS “Platonus”.

To improve the professional level, the teachers of the department provide great assistance at the monthly workshop “Pedagogical Mastery”. Within the framework of this methodological event, issues of innovative and creative work, preparing young people for a future profession based on quality education will be discussed. Colleagues gradually gain their teaching experience, offer unique ideas and discuss various problems.

The teaching staff of the department actively participates and conducts various master classes, educational and methodological seminars for young teachers. As part of the Winter Scientific and Methodological School “Improving the Efficiency of Implementing Educational Services in Universities,” organized by Turan-Astana University, master classes are held by the department of teaching staff. In order to improve the quality of training of teaching staff and translators, the department works closely with the Kazakhstan Academy of Translation, the Association of Professional Translators and Translation Enterprises, and schools. At the school-gymnasium №2 named after Gafu Kairbekov, there is a branch of the department of “Socio-Humanitarian Sciences and Language Disciplines”.

           In order to improve the image of our university, teachers of the department conduct various events in relation to universities: in other universities, organizations, schools and colleges. For this purpose, the department takes an active part in organizing the academic mobility of students and teaching staff, and also attracts leading specialists to the department. Conducts work to provide educational and methodological literature to foreign students (Uzbekistan, Pakistan, China, Mongolia), advisors take an active part in events held by the department.



           To implement the trilingual educational program, foreign language teachers regularly attend English, Russian and Chinese language courses for university teachers and students. Work on the development of academic mobility of teaching staff and students at the department is carried out on the basis of a specific plan.

To provide university students and undergraduates with high-quality scientific, educational and methodological literature, the teaching staff is given the opportunity to publish monographs, educational and methodological manuals, video materials as well as electronic textbooks. One of the main activities of a university teacher is the development and preparation for publication of educational and methodological materials (textbooks, teaching aids, guidelines or recommendations, electronic educational materials, etc.). In this regard, a thematic plan for the publication of educational literature is drawn up and approved annually. Creating video lectures is becoming a necessity in the modern educational situation. The use of an online lecture format in the learning process allows you to develop such an important skill as flexibility and adaptability of the student to the educational material. Over the last academic year, the teaching staff of the department prepared and published 22 developments: Monographs – 7, Textbooks – 2, Teaching aids – 3, Methodological instructions/recommendations – 3

          Open classes which will be discussed at the methodological section of the department, promote the exchange of experience. In connection with the increase in professionalism, skills and level of knowledge, each teacher is interested in exchanging experience between colleagues.

          Professor of the Department of Socio-Humanitarian Sciences and Language Disciplines, Ph.D. Z.E. Kolumbaeva conducted a program entitled “The cognitive function of the humanities and my modern methods of use in online learning.” The goal of the program is to establish an open space between teachers and students, exchange modern methods used in the process of transitioning the educational process to an online format as well as in the process of teaching humanities among young people, there is a place to popularize the contribution of famous personalities to the life and prosperity of our country . Popularizing the activities of famous personalities for teachers is one of the main tasks that stands at the forefront of everything. This is regarded as a legacy of ancestors and spiritual modernization. PhD program Z.E. Kolumbaeva, filled with valuable thoughts and data, reached its apogee. A large number of visual aids indicate that the teacher prepared for the lesson with special care. Based on rich theoretical materials, the topic was widely discussed. These issues were highlighted during audience feedback. The students took part in the lesson with great interest which undoubtedly shows the pedagogical skill of the teacher. Students were given deep creative knowledge, masterfully supported by practical tasks.



As part of the Week of Languages, on September 28, teacher of the department of “Socio-Humanitarian Sciences and Language Disciplines” A.N.Muratova organized a quiz for students of groups Phil-22, Phil-23 and IS-21-2 called “Words in my language...”. During the game, information about Y.Altynsarin was provided and the students got acquainted with his works. Poems of excellent Kazakh akyns were also read. The quiz participants who took part in it demonstrated their knowledge and passion for the Kazakh language and literature. Some of them may have been awarded or recognized for their achievements.

          The pedagogical lounge of Turan-Astana University opened its doors in the new academic year with a meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Rasul Gamzatov, the people's poet of Dagestan, publicist, prose writer, translator, known for his active social and political activities. The pedagogical lounge was led by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Z.D. Baubekova. At the meeting, the famous political scientist, philologist Aubakirova A.N. spoke about her unforgettable meetings with Rasul Gamzatovich. A meaningful story by the head of the department Donbaeva A.B. about the friendship of three great writers - M. Shakhanov, Ch. Aitmatov and R.Gamzatov - was about a high example of their creative communication. The presentations by associate professors N.M.Irgebaeva and N.V.Vlasova were interesting. Students M.Aisabaeva, E.Masliy and others read poems by R.Gamzatov.


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