Educational work

Educational work

Educational work

The "Information technologies" department educational work provides for the implementation of the main strategic directions of the state youth policy.

The educational work purpose is to create a humanistic, highly education moral environment, contributing to the professional competence formation among students with active citizenship, meeting the needs and expectations of modern society.
The objectives are to form youth’s feelings of patriotism, moral and spiritual development, support young talents, involve students in cultural, scientific and educational processes, ensure the social rights of young people, increase the educational level of students.
The "Information technologies" department educational work is based on the next fundamental principles:
- scientific, systematic, continuity and sequence of educational work;
- respect for the rights and freedoms of student youth, democracy in the approach to solving youth problems;
- unity of studying and education, communication with the requirements of social development;
- comprehensive coverage of all students, regardless of gender, nationality, social status and age;
- individual, group forms of educational works combination;
- creating a favorable socio-psychological climate conducive to the effectiveness of the educational process.


The senior curator is the senior teacher, master Abdibekova L.M.

The "Information Technologies" department’s main directions of educational work:
1. Formation of skills to independently and competently make and implement decisions;
2. Formation of patriotic consciousness and active citizenship of the university students; 
3. Education of high spiritual and moral qualities and norms of behavior;
4. Thematic events on the profile of the faculty, contributing to the expansion of the students ’horizons, the formation of a value attitude to the chosen specialty;
5. Anti-Corruption Activities;
6. Stimulation to a healthy lifestyle, active participation in public events.

The department Educational work carried out according to the department educational work plans. Curator hours are regularly held in groups. Curatorial hours are held on the prevention of drug abuse, alcoholism and smoking, on the religious extremism prevention, on the legal culture and professional ethics formation. 
On the curatorial hours, first-year students are introduced to the rights and duties of students, with regulatory documents on educational work, and internal regulations.
In order to ensure the professional orientation of the extracurricular activities of students, curators pay attention to strengthening students:
- interests in the chosen profession; 
- have the necessary professional skills; 
- ensuring attendance control, performance; 
- focus students’ activities on the student group formation of a cohesive groups to create an atmosphere of creativity, enthusiasm and activity.
The department students are actively involved in the social, cultural and sports life of the university. Take part in various cultural and sports and recreational activities, such as, dedication to students, health day, days of culture, in sports days, etc.

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