Double degree education

Double major

Double-diploma education (DDS) is the possibility of parallel education in two (or more) universities according to a joint educational program with the subsequent receipt of diplomas from relevant educational institutions.

Advantages of the DDO program:

- international experience;
- employment prospects after graduation;
- development of progressive knowledge from leading teachers of partner universities;
- obtaining 2 diplomas of TAU + partner university.

The form of the program DDO: two diplomas with the same status.

The duration of the study program:

- in bachelor + 1-1.5 years,
- in magistracy + for 0.5-1 year,
- in doctoral studies +1 year

Conditions of education:

- good academic performance;
- fluency in a foreign language;
- the interest of students in obtaining education in another partner institution;
- financial security of the training program.

Learning programs

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