Cost of education

Tuition Fees for the 2024-2025 Academic Year for Applicants of 2024
Educational Program Tuition Fee, KZT per Year
Form of Education: Full-time
Translation Studies 900,000
Philology 900,000
Jurisprudence 1,000,000
International Law 900,000
Legal Regulation of the Economy 900,000
Tourism 900,000
Restaurant and Hotel Business 900,000
Design 900,000
Decorative Arts and Ethnodesign 900,000
Finance 900,000
Accounting and Auditing 900,000
Economics 900,000
Management 900,000
Public and Local Administration 900,000
Information Systems 900,000
Computer Engineering and Software 900,000
Psychology 1,000,000
Form of Education: Full-time
Jurisprudence 1,000,000
Tourism 1,000,000
HR Management 1,000,000
Project Management 1,000,000
Finance 1,000,000
Accounting and Auditing 1,000,000
Economics 1,000,000
Economics and Intellectual Property Management 1,000,000
Management 1,000,000
Public and Local Administration 1,000,000
Information Systems 1,000,000
Form of Education: Full-time
Economics 2,400,000

Learning programs

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