A guest lecture by an expert in the field of IT, the founder of Neobis

A guest lecture by an expert in the field of IT, the founder of Neobis

On April 10, 2024, Turan-Astana University will host a guest lecture by the founder of the IT expert, the founder of Neobis and neobook.club.

The moderator is Majikova Sanira.  An expert with extensive experience in the field of information technology, who, over 7 years of immersion in various aspects of the IT industry, not only founded the successful outsourcing studio and outstaff Palm company, but also helped hundreds of programmers from Central Asia find highly paid remote work abroad.

Lecture topics:

• Which novice programmers are in demand by IT companies.

• Criteria for the selection of Junior developers.

• Effective preparation for the first job for graduation from the university.

• Creating a sales resume for novice programmers + analyzing an example of a successful resume.

Get to know the unique Scanner experience, including working in Meta and founding the successful Neobis and neobook.club.

Time of delivery: from 10: 00, B208

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