Results of the International Week
Кафедра "Социально-гуманитарные и языковые дисциплины"

Results of the International Week

That's the end of the International Week of Tambov State University named after G.R.Derzhavin (Russia) at the University "Turan-Astana" Nur-Sultan. During a fruitful week, teachers from Tambov conducted various competitions and quizzes among students of the full-time stage of the Festival "Great Ascetics of the Russian Land", gave guest lectures, organized advanced training courses for university teaching staff, worked out a joint Memorandum of Cooperation and outlined priority issues for further bilateral cooperation.

On the final day, the Rector of the University "Turan-Astana" Professor G.A.Dzhaparova expressed her gratitude to the guests and presented Letters of Thanks to Irina Yuryevna Mizis, Head of the Department of International Education of the Department of International Relations, Sergey Sergeevich Khudyakov, Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism, Tatiana Alexandrovna Dyakova, Deputy Dean for Scientific Work of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism.



Then the results of the International Festival "Great Ascetics of the Russian Land" were summed up, the winners and prize-winners were awarded, the gala concert of the festival participants took place. It is gratifying to note that the winners of the festival were also students of the University "Turan-Astana" Taitulen Dariga (gr. P 21-1/1) and Rakhimzhanova Kamila (gr. YUP 21-1/1). And the winners and prize-winners of individual contests and quizzes were Tabyldina Botagoz (gr. P 21-1/1), Auezkhanova Zharkyn (gr. P 21-1/2), Tlekova Togzhan (gr. MP 21-1) and Shirinbekova Aruzhan (gr. YUP 21-1/1).

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