Scientific achievements of the Department of National and International Law
Кафедра "Национальное и международное право"

Scientific achievements of the Department of National and International Law

Senior Lecturer of the Department of "National and International Law", Master of Laws Dusanbekova Moldir Ashyrbekovna  won a prize place and took a diploma of the 1st degree for participation in the republican competition "Golden book of teachers of Kazakhstan" within the framework of the project "Revealing and development of talents of gifted students" President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s State of the Nation Address  "Constructive public dialogue - the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan" among teachers and students of educational institutions. In addition, Dusanbekova M.A. was awarded the "Golden Badge" of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and received a certificate for her contribution to the development of education and science in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The diploma of the participant of the Moscow International Salon of Education of the Academy of Natural Sciences, as well as the medal was awarded to the scientific article of the professor of the department "National and International Law", Ph.D. Barsukova R.A., written on the topic "Criminal and legal characteristics and the main signs of corruption offenses" in co-authorship with Ph.D., associate professor Karipova A.I., Ph.D., associate professor Egizbaev N.U.


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