Achievements of students "Design, service, tourism" department at the republican competitions
Кафедра "Дизайн, сервис и туризм"

Achievements of students "Design, service, tourism" department at the republican competitions

In April 2021, Saduvakhasova Aselkhan, a student of the T-18-1 group of the Turan-Astana University of the Department of Design, Service and Tourism, was awarded a II degree diploma in the nomination "Young Writer (Free Topic)" in the creative competition in the direction "Works / essay".Scientific adviser: senior lecturer, master of the department "Design, service and tourism" Karazhanova M.Kh.

Organizer: Intellectual club "Daryn" of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent.

Congratulations on your victory and wish you further creative success!



From 28 to 30 April 2021 at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after I. HA. Yasawi of the city of Turkestan, the XIII Republican student Olympiad in the specialty "Tourism" was held.

The Olympiad included 3 stages:

Stage 1 (Correspondence): development of homework on the topic of the specialty: "Methods of formation and promotion of a national tourist brand in the regions of Kazakhstan."

Stage 2 (Online): Defense of projects in the chosen direction:

"Methods for the formation and promotion of a national tourist brand in the regions of Kazakhstan."

Stage 3 (Full-time): Competition for active types of tourism. Due to the current situation, this stage was replaced by testing. Test tasks were compiled on the basis of the "Rules for the holding of the Championships and Cups of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the tourist all-around for 2017-2020", "Performing techniques at the distances of the tourist all-around", "Explanations of the table of penalties for the technique and tactics of hiking, skiing and mountain tourism ( dated March 22, 2006) ".

The SHOQAN team participated from the Turan-Astana University. As part of the team: Gulbai Majzhan, Kaldybek Dinmukhammed, Kueskan Akylzhan, Arystan Saida, Abitbekova Azhar. Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Design, Service and Tourism Ayapbekova A.E.

According to the results of the event, the II degree diploma was awarded to the SHOQAN team. Also a memorable gift was presented - a souvenir of Torsyk. Congratulations to the winners!

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