The work of the IAAR expert group on post-accreditation monitoring.

The work of the IAAR expert group on post-accreditation monitoring.

On March 03, 2023, an online visit of the expert group of the IAAR (IAAR) took 
place at Turan-Astana University as part of the post-accreditation monitoring 
of the educational program 8D04101 "Economics".
The online visit was attended by the coordinator of the IAAR, an expert, from 
the university - vice-provost for external relations, accreditation and rating 
Kapenova A.Z., dean of the School of Business and Information Technologies 
Aimkulov R.A., head of the department "Business Administration" 
Bekbusinova G.K., leading specialist of the Department of Accreditation and 
Rating Asylaeva K.K., responsible teachers of the Department of Business 
Administration for writing the Report on the implementation of the 
recommendations of the EEC Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Iskakov 
B.M., Dr. in Economics, Professor Saparova G.K., Senior Lecturer Aipov B.B.
Members of the expert panel:
IAAR expert - Isakhova Parida Bakirovna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, 
Almaty Management University (Almaty);
IAAR coordinator - Bekenova Dinara Kairbekovna, project manager for 
accreditation of Technical and Professional Educational Organizations IAAR 
The work of the group on post-accreditation monitoring was carried out in a 
constructive manner, the experts gave valuable recommendations that will 
be useful for preparing for further re-accreditation of this educational 
program. The recommendations of the Internal Expert Group were 
implemented in the short terms, additions to the Report were made.
Thank you for your fruitful work!
                                                                       Accreditation and Rating Department,
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