Competition "Best Future Lawer"
Кафедра "Национальное и международное право"

Competition "Best Future Lawer"

In December, the Ministry of Internal Affairs organized a competition "The Best Future Investigator" among the students of civil and legal Universities of the capital, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the country's Independence. The competition consisted of two stages. At the first stage, the participants were tested for knowledge of the law, the Code of Criminal Procedure. At the second stage, students performed special situational tasks related to the work of lawers, demonstrated their logic and ingenuity.

According to the results of the competition, the 3rd place in the nomination "The Best Future Lawer" was taken by the 4-year student of the group UP 18-1 of the Department of National and International Law of the University "Turan-Astana" Zhansaya Sabitova.

The head of the department Yerlan Turgumbaev personally awarded the winners and participants of the competition with diplomas and letters of thanks.

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