Excursion to the Museum of Memory of Victims of Political Repression - KarLag

Excursion to the Museum of Memory of Victims of Political Repression - KarLag


On November 8, 2023, an excursion to the Museum of Memory of Victims of Political Repression - KarLag was organized and conducted for students (1-2 year, Kazakh department).

The thematic halls of the museum reveal the history of various periods of political repression.
The most powerful impact comes from the detailed restoration of the camp premises. The punishment cell, zindan, men's and women's cells, boxing, torture chamber and execution chamber - repeat the real premises of the camps, along with furnishings and figures of prisoners.
Walking along the corridor of the museum, you seem to be plunging into that dark time when hundreds of people were repressed and destroyed by the totalitarian regime.
Overall, the excursion was very interesting and educational for the students.
The person responsible for this event is Associate Professor of the Department of SGNiAD, Ph.D. Imankul A.N.

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