"Profession - mediator"
Кафедра "Национальное и международное право"

"Profession - mediator"

On April 17, 2020, the Department of National and international law  held a webinar on the topic "Profession - mediator". Teachers, students, university employees had a unique opportunity to ask questions on topics of interest to them. During the webinar, the possibility of further cooperation in the field of internship was discussed.

The procedure for obtaining a mediator certificate, the specifics of this type of activity, the participation of students in the work of the mediation center as part of the year of the volunteer movement were explained in detail. The speaker spoke in which cases the mediator can provide services.

Speaker was Asel Saylaubay, a professional mediator, coordinator of the volunteer mediation movement of the ANC, head of the Public Foundation “International Academy of Mediation and Negotiation”. Member of the project team "Implementation of the national project  " Birgemiz: Bilim " for volunteering, the head of the «School of Divorced Parents» at the Danaliq Family Institute. Curator of the School Mediation Service of the school-gymnasium No. 26 of Nur-Sultan. Curator of the "Mediation Service" at the Humanitarian Law College of KazLHU. Leads the column "Mediator diary."

At the same time, A. Sailaubai collaborates and assists as a volunteer mediator in the Specialized Inter-district Administrative Court of Nur-Sultan and the Public Reception Party “Nur Otan”, the Police Department of the Almaty region of Nur-Sultan, KSU Crisis Center “Umіt”.

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