Happy Science Workers' Day in Kazakhstan!

Happy Science Workers' Day in Kazakhstan!

Dear scientists, teachers, doctoral students, graduate students, students and colleagues, 
we congratulate you on the Day of Science Workers of Kazakhstan!
April 12 was designated as the "Day of Scientific Workers" by the Decree of the President of 
the Republic No. 164 of October 20, 2011
Science plays a major role in the development of the country's economy. Without science, 
new technologies and education, without digitization, today it is impossible to achieve success 
in both the economy and the social sphere. Kazakh scientists are actively working to solve 
important problems, developing promising directions of domestic science. For its part, the 
state is taking active measures to support promising scientific centers, creating conditions for 
the professional growth of scientists.Every year, the scientific potential of our team increases, 
scientific schools are established, basic and applied research is conducted, and international 
relations develop.
The work of a scientist is always interesting, difficult work, it is always respected. You 
make an invaluable contribution to the development of science with your work and 
On this important day, we would like to thank you for your daily hard work, for the unique 
projects and works in which the spirit of domestic science is being implemented. We wish that 
every new day will be full of creative and unique ideas, useful and great news, and worthy 
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