International Remote Contest of Scientific Works “Sustainable Tourism Development”
Кафедра "Дизайн, сервис и туризм"

International Remote Contest of Scientific Works “Sustainable Tourism Development”

Karaganda State University named after Academician Ye.A. Buketova conducted the International Remote Contest of Scientific Works “Sustainable Tourism Development”. The competition consisted of 2 rounds: the first round “Online Survey” - each team member gave detailed answers to the questions posed online.

The second round “Scientific work” - the team submitted a scientific work on the proposed areas for consideration by the expert commission. The department "Design, Service and Tourism" presented 2 teams consisting of:

1st team "Totally Spies":

Kopeyeva Asel;
Baimakanova Dayana;
Toktaganov Dyar
Scientific adviser: Sairan Nikolaevna Atikeeva, PhD, Associate Professor 2nd team "Tigers of Turan"

 Dastanuli Muktarkhan 
 Aset Arujan
 Kuanish Eleonora
Supervisor: Master of Science in the specialty "Tourism", Art. teacher Karazhanova Meyramgul Hasenovna.

According to the results of the competition, both teams were awarded diplomas in the nominations "The Best Tourism Development" and "The Best IT-Choice". Congratulations to the participants and scientific leaders on their victory and wish them further success!

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