the Grand opening of the Institute of psychology
Кафедра "Психология и социально-гуманитарные дисциплины"

the Grand opening of the Institute of psychology

October 16, 2019 on the basis of the branch of the Department of pedagogy and psychology, the Grand opening of the Institute of psychology was held. The head of the Institute of psychology and social Sciences is a teacher of the Department "Pedagogy and psychology", PhD.n Zhantekeev Serik Krukbaevich.

"Institute of psychology and social Sciences" mission proclaims the development of psychological science, the organization of psychological practice and educational activities in the interests of society, the development and implementation of modern humanitarian technologies in public practice, improving the psychological culture of the population.

The Institute has a classical and modern psychological tools, without the mastery of which the activity of a practical psychologist, social worker and social teacher is impossible.

To implement the goals and objectives of the Institute organized cycles of international seminars with the invitation of psychologists of higher qualification, doctors and candidates of psychological Sciences of the near abroad and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Institute of psychology concluded cooperation agreements with the faculty of psychology of Moscow state University. Lomonosov Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chisinau state pedagogical University. Krang, many leading psychological centers of Russia and Kazakhstan.

Our activity is directed, including, and on the organization of favorable conditions for development and formation of the personality of children and teenagers, by carrying out Advisory, training, training, test, educational and other actions. Institute of psychology conducts a series of training seminars on psychological preparation for the UNT procedure. As a result, the training provides stabilization of the emotional state, greater focus on the implementation of specific activities, psychological attitude to success.

On the basis of the Institute of psychology and social Sciences opened a branch of the Department of "Pedagogy and psychology" TAU, where students and undergraduates of the University successfully master the curriculum, listen to lectures by leading teachers of the Department, in practical classes work out the skills of psychodiagnostic techniques, have the opportunity to work with primary sources, which the Institute has in sufficient quantity. A number of seminars and "round tables" on career guidance work with secondary schools are planned to be held in the branch of the Institute. Nur-Sultan, with practical psychologists to get acquainted with modern techniques and technologies of psychological counseling, as well as with academic psychologists for the formation of students and undergraduates professional competencies.

After the Grand opening, the Institute of psychology and social Sciences held a scientific and practical city seminar of teachers on the theme: "Organization of research work of teachers and students", was attended by invited guests methodologist of the innovation Department amirgalieva daira Kalmenovna topic: "Methods and forms of organization of research work of the teacher", Bulatbaeva Kulzhanat Nurymzhanovna, Professor of ENU. L. N. Gumilev, Ph. D. with the topic: "Theoretical bases of organization of scientific-research work of teachers," Nagumanova Karakat Mukasheva, head of the Department "Pedagogy and psychology" of the University "Turan-Astana", doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Baubekova Zamira Dzhuraevna, Professor of the University "Turan-Astana", D. PED.Sciences, Zhantekeev Serik Krukbaevich – Director of the Institute of psychology, candidate of psychological Sciences, Professor.

After the seminar, the participants were awarded certificates.

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