Presumption of innocence: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Presumption of innocence: yesterday, today, tomorrow

A notable event in the life of the legal community of Kazakhstan was the ceremony of awarding diplomas to the winners of the Republican Debate tournament on the topic: "Presumption of innocence: yesterday, today, tomorrow" among law students of the country for the Cup of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The debate tournament was held in order to promote the development and strengthening of the legal culture of society, support interest in mastering the legal profession, develop the creative abilities of law students, identify gifted law students, support them, encourage them and assist in the employment of gifted graduates.
The debaters' knowledge and skills were evaluated by authoritative judges.
Our guys are repeated winners of intellectual competitions among students, constantly trying their hand at various competitions, not stopping on the way to victory. Therefore, the victory was obvious.
As a result of the debate tournament, the team of students of the university "Turan-Astana" took 2nd place! The head of the team - Candidate of Law, associate professor Ismagulova A.T. became the winner of the nomination "Best mentor".
Such events allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of law, and knowledge of the laws, the ability to operate with facts, a creative approach to solving tasks and, of course, the desire to win – this is what strengthens the confidence in their choice for each future lawyer.




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