With a song through life!

With a song through life!

A creative concert of the folk choir of veterans "Elorda" was held at  "Turan-Astana" University.

The Veterans Choir was formed 14 years ago. The choir is led by Dyusenova Umit Alibekovna - a person who wholeheartedly cares about the collective. The repertoire of songs accumulated by the choir over all these years is constantly updated. The Veterans Choir also leads an active social life: veterans meet with youth and children for the purpose of patriotic education, perform concerts at various scenes in Nur-Sultan. Despite such a solid age of the participants, this is a very mobile team.







During the existence of the folk choir, the team was repeatedly awarded with certificates, diplomas, gratitude letters. Spectators of different ages come to concerts of the folk choir of veterans with great pleasure. With special pathos, the choristers sing old and new songs about Kazakhstan, friendship, songs of the war years. These beautiful songs appeal the youth to love and remember their homeland, its history. And, of course, they will leave a good impact in the minds of the younger generation.

The faculty and students of the Turan-Astana University received a huge positive charge from the concert and highly appreciated the creative team as a spectator.

Now the songs of the choir are truly the spiritual heritage of several generations, and this is the greatest wealth of their work.

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