Students of the Educational Program "Psychology" won the III place at the International Student Competition "PSYCHOLOGIST OF THE YEAR -2023"!
Кафедра "Социально-гуманитарные и языковые дисциплины"

Students of the Educational Program "Psychology" won the III place at the International Student Competition "PSYCHOLOGIST OF THE YEAR -2023"!

On December 2, 2023, the International Student Competition "PSYCHOLOGIST OF THE YEAR - 2023" was held at the Astana International University. The competition was organized by Astana International University.

The competition consisted of four stages:

1. Testing in basic disciplines.

2. Psychodiagnostics

3.Issues of compilation in different media formats

4. Solving psychological cases.

Students of the university "Turan-Astana" presented their team "Turan’s psychologists", under the guidance of senior lecturer of the department Kurmanbaeva Zhanargul Kurmangalievna.

It should be noted that our students have demonstrated excellent knowledge, critical thinking skills and creative abilities.

According to the results of the competition students took the honorable III place. The participants were awarded with diplomas and certificates, the senior lecturer with a letter of thanks.

Congratulations to our students and teaching staff of the EP "Psychology", we wish you further success!


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