Елшибекова Куралай Жанатовна

Елшибекова Куралай Жанатовна

Елшибекова Куралай Жанатовна

Master of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer
POSITION: Vice Dean of the School of Business and Information Technology (VSHBiCT)
Born: February 27, 1974, in Almaty, Kazakhstan


  • 1995: Graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of Management (Almaty, Kazakhstan) with a major in "Business and Management." Qualification: Economist.
  • 2013: Completed the Scientific-Pedagogical Master's program at Kazakh Economic University named after T. Ryskulov. Major: 6M050600-Economics.


Work Experience:
Turan University, Almaty

  • October 25, 2021 - August 20, 2024: Vice Dean of the Economic Faculty
  • August 31, 2021 - September 20, 2024: Senior Lecturer, Department of Management
  • January 9, 2018 - August 30, 2021: Senior Lecturer, Department of Management

KazATISO, Almaty

  • September 2, 2014 - January 8, 2018: Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Business

KazEU named after T. Ryskulov, Almaty

  • January 26, 2009 - June 30, 2014: Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics

KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty

  • July 1, 2008 - September 15, 2008: Assistant to the Vice Rector for Financial and Economic Affairs
  • March 10, 2008 - June 30, 2008: Manager, Strategic Development Department
  • September 1, 2007 - March 10, 2008: Lead Specialist, Strategic Development and Quality Management Department, Internal Expert of the Quality Management System

KazGAU - KazEU named after T. Ryskulov, Almaty

  • September 7, 1998 - November 9, 2007: Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics
  • December 26, 1995 - January 27, 1999: Postgraduate Student (KazGAU) and part-time lecturer
  • 1991-1995: Studied at KazGAU

Research and Development Experience:

  1. Research Topic: "Current Problems of State and Local Governance"
    Registered under UDC 334.021: 35, MINTI classifier 31.15.03, state registration number 0116RK00293.
  2. Research Topic: "Sustainable Economic Growth in Kazakhstan: Trends and Mechanisms for Enhancement," state registration number 0115RK00175.

Publications and Articles:

  1. "Effectiveness of Human Capital Investment: Priorities and Prospects for Development" // Turan University Journal, No. 3 (99), 2023 (co-author: Smagulova N.T.).
  2. "The Use of Analytical Procedures in the Audit Planning Stage" // Turan University Bulletin, No. 1 (89), 2021 (co-author: Bekteubaeva A.S.).
  3. "Assessment of the State of Road Transport in Kazakhstan" // Statistics, Accounting, and Audit Journal, No. 2 (77), 2020 (co-author: Smagulova N.T.).
  4. "Modern Status of Furniture Industry Development in Kazakhstan" // Turan University Bulletin, No. 1 (85), 2020 (co-author: Beknazarova A.T.).
  5. "Prospects for the Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan" // Turan University Bulletin, No. 4 (84), 2019 (co-author: Fatkulina A.B.).
  6. "Development of Advertising Services and State Regulation Issues" // Turan University Bulletin, No. 4 (84), 2019.

Monographs and Textbooks:

  1. Current Problems of State and Local Governance // Collective Monograph, ISBN 978-601-214-416-1, "Zhania-Polygraph," Almaty, 2019.
  2. Essays on Advertising Activities in Eurasian Countries // Collective Monograph, ISBN 978-5-91950-065-0, University under the MPA of the Eurasian Economic Community, 2017.
  3. Sustainable Economic Growth in Kazakhstan and Development Trends // Collective Monograph, ISBN 978-601-7975-75-3, Almaty, 2019.

Teaching Aids at Turan University:

  1. Conflict Management // Teaching Aid, Almaty, Turan University, 2022.
  2. Management of Conflicts // Teaching Aid, Almaty, Turan University, 2022.
  3. Regional Economics and Management // Teaching Aid, Almaty, Turan University, 2020.
  4. Leadership // Teaching Aid, Almaty, Turan University, 2020.
  5. Smart City // Teaching Aid, Almaty, Turan University, 2020.


  1. Entrepreneurship // Seidakhmetov A.S., Elshibekova K.Zh., Izmahanova A., Almaty, Economics, 2011.

Professional Development (Selected Certificates):

  1. "Improving Academic Integrity Policy in Universities using the StrikePlagiarism.com Anti-plagiarism Tool," January 8-12, 2024, Turan University, Certificate No. 1319, 24 hours.
  2. "Features of Inclusive Education in Universities," January 8-12, 2024, Turan University, Certificate No. 1382, 72 hours.
  3. "Modern Management: Innovative Approaches and Personnel Management," July 10-22, 2023, Big LLC, Certificate No. 00723/Rq-012/3, 72 hours.
  4. "Modern Communication Tools and Imageology," August 14-26, 2023, Consulting Company LLC, Certificate No. 0823/Zg-0043, 72 hours.

Awards and Recognition (Selected Awards at Turan University, Almaty):

  1. Letter of Appreciation for organizing the International Conference, June 6-9, 2024, Turan University.
  2. Letter of Appreciation from the Transport Holding of Almaty, 2023.
  3. Honorary Diploma from the Rector of Turan University for high professionalism, quality, and responsible performance of duties, 2023.
  4. "Best Curator" Diploma, 2020-2021 Academic Year, Turan University.
  5. Honorary Diploma from the Rector of Turan University for high professionalism, 2022.
  6. Letter of Appreciation for assisting in the preparation of research work "Technological Progress in the Context of Unemployment Growth," February 17, 2022, Petrozavodsk, Russia.
  7. Letter of Appreciation for supporting active youth in the "100 New Faces - 2022" project, Bobek Association, Astana, 2022.
  8. Letter of Appreciation as a Scientific Supervisor for the "Best Student of the Year," National Innovation Research Center "BILIM-ORKENIETI," Astana, 2022.

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