Оспанов Газиз Хамиевич

Оспанов Газиз Хамиевич

Оспанов Газиз Хамиевич

 He was born on 03/01/1963 in the village of «Karaagash», Zhanaarkinsky district, Karaganda region.

In 1987 he graduated from the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai, Almaty, Faculty of Art and Graphic Arts.

In 1987-1989 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR.

1993-1996. Assistant at the Department of «Descriptive Geometry and Drawing» of Zhezkazgan Mining and Technological Institute.

1996-2006 Senior lecturer at the «Department of Descriptive Geometry and Computer Graphics» of the O. Baikonurov Zhezkazgan University.

In 2006-2020, he was engaged in individual entrepreneurship in the field of design, «IP Ospanov».

In 2021, he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of «Light Industry Technology and Design» at the Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Nur Sultan.

Since September 1, 2021, he has been a senior lecturer at the Department of «Design, Service and Tourism» at Turan-Astana University.

Since September 1, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of «Design, Service and Tourism» at Turan-Astana University.



  1. Since 2001, a member of the «Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
  2. Since 2021, a member of the «Eurasian Union of Designers».
  3. On December 27, 2023, he was elected an Academician of the National Academy of Design.



  1. Certificate No. 047. National Academy of Design (Kazakhstan). He completed advanced training courses (qualifications) under the program «Innovative training and educational-creative processes in various types of design and art education». March 5-16, 2021. 72 hours.
  2. Certificate no. C-02647. Scientific and methodological center «ZIAT» (Nur-Sultan). He took advanced training courses in the program «Professional computer programs and 3D animation in design». 18.10. - 30.10. 2021. 72 hours.
  3. Certificate no. KR7MC11022240. The international educational movement «Cyberpedagogue». Topic: «Is the "Soft" force so strong? How to lead, manage, invest, direct the use of the "soft" power of the teacher». Belgian Education Council. Brussels. Online master class. 06.10.2022 1.5 academic hours.
  4. Certificate no. KR7MC21022167. The international educational movement «Cyberpedagogue». Topic: «Learn to ask the right questions and enjoy the learning process». Belgian Education Council. Brussels. Online master class. 13.10.2022 1.5 academic hours.
  5. The certificate. «Academy of traditional and modern contemporary Education». I took a refresher course on the topic: «Theoretical and practical aspects of teaching disciplines in the field of training "art" in the disciplines: engineering graphics, design and advertising technologies, professional computer programs, drawing» in the amount of 72 hours. Nur Sultan, August, 2022.
  6. Certificate. Advanced training courses. Topic: «Improving the effectiveness of educational activities in higher education institutions». Volume: 72 hours (09-20.01.2023). «Winter School» at the University «Turan-Astana». Astana, 2023.
  7. Certificate. Advanced training courses. Topic: «Approaches to scientific research and innovations in education: methodologies and practices». Volume: 72 hours (08-19.01.2024). «Winter School» at the University «Turan-Astana». Astana, 2024.



  1. Scientific article: «Engineering and computer graphics: actual problems of teaching the discipline in accordance with the standards of modern science, production and IT technologies». Published in the scientific collection of the international scientific and practical conference «Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the context of globalization». Ukraine, 30.04.2021.
  2. Scientific article: «The problem of teaching the discipline of Engineering graphics based on AutoCAD technology». Published in the collection of the international scientific and practical Internet conference. Ukraine, Pereyaslav. 31.01.2022.
  3. Scientific article: Meyrbek M. «The role of computer graphic design in the development of the tourism industry in Kazakhstan». III Republican scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 155th anniversary of A. Bokeikhanov. Topic: «Education and research in the field of tourism and hospitality». Turan-Astana University, 02/14/2022, Nur-Sultan. Scientific supervisor: Ospanov G. H.
  4. Scientific article: Musina Zhanar, Karimova Galiya, Ospanov Gaziz (Turan-Astana University Astana, Kazakhstan). Theory as a process and result of creative search. International independent scientific jornal.  No. 46 dated 01.2023. pp. 3-6. Krakow, Polska.
  5. Scientific article: «Ethnopedagogical approach in personality education». International Conference «Science and Education in the Modern world: Challenges of the 21st century». ENU, Astana. Co-author. Certificate No.1003. 0.5 p.l. 02/15/2023.
  6. Scientific article. «The method of constructing rhythm and symmetry in the Kazakh ornament by a computer graphics program». XV International Scientific and Practical Conference of teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students. «Integration of science and practice - a mechanism for the effective development of modern society», dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Turan-Astana University. Student Diz-20-1 Mukhamedzhan S. Diploma of the III degree. TAU, Astana, p. 6. 04/28/2023 Scientific supervisor: Ospanov G. H.
  7. Scientific article. UDC 372.8. «Teaching the subject of Engineering graphics in combination with AutoCAD technology». XV International Scientific and Practical Conference. «Integration of science and practice - a mechanism for the effective development of modern society», dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Turan-Astana University. TAU, Astana, p. 6. 04/28/2023.
  8. Scientific article: Karimova G,. Ospanov G., Sagintayeva S. The relationship between language and thinking in scientific creativity. Znanstvena misel journal. №83, 11.2023. 29-33 pg. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  9. Scientific article: Musina Zhanar, Karimova Galiya, Ospanov Gaziz (Senior Lecturer, Turan-Astana University Astana, Kazakhstan). Psychological sciences the phenomenon of ethnic identity in the context of the dialogue of cultures. German International Journal of Modern Science. №79, 2024 (April). 24-25 pg. Satteldorf, Germany.



  1. At the international exhibition of the National Academy of Design of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Union of Designers of Eurasia «30 years of Independence of Kazakhstan», which was held from June 9 to 25, 2021 at the National Museum, 2 paintings were presented.
  2. The exhibition «Steppe patterns» at the Military History Museum of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 12/15/2021-01/15/2022, 2 paintings are presented at the exhibition.
  3. Catalog of the exhibition of the Eurasian Union of Designers and the National Academy of Design of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan. pp. 379. 2021 on pp. 316-317.
  4. The exhibition «Serene harmony». The exhibition hall of the Center for Ensuring the Preservation of Monuments and objects of Historical and Cultural Heritage under the State Committee for Cultural and Cultural Affairs «Directorate of United Museums» of the Akimat of Astana city. 29.05-10.06.2024.
  5. The exhibition «Reflection of culture in art» dedicated to Astana Day. The exhibition hall of the Center for Ensuring the Preservation of Monuments and objects of Historical and Cultural Heritage under the State Committee for Cultural and Cultural Affairs «Directorate of United Museums» of the Akimat of Astana city. 03-20.07.2024.



  1. Diploma of the National Academy of Design and the Eurasian Union of Designers. 2021. For active participation in the organization and holding of the International Retrospective Exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan «Spiritual world, material culture and Design today».
  2. Thank you letter. For active participation in the «Science Week» of Turan-Astana University. (Vice-rector for educational and methodological work Adilgazinov G.Z.). 2021.
  3. Certificate. For active participation in the city exhibition «Steppe patterns» dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Law Narbinova M. M.). 2021.



Owns computer graphics programs «Adobe Illustrator», «Adobe Photoshop», «Adobe After Effects», «Adobe Premiere Pro», «AutoCAD».


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