Рахметалиева Салтанат Амангельдиевна

Рахметалиева Салтанат Амангельдиевна

 Рахметалиева Салтанат Амангельдиевна


SALTANAT AMANGELDIEVNA RAKHMETALIEVA, Senior Lecturer «in Business Administrationat Turan-Astana University, Master of Economics.

Born years in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the city of Atyrau.


1991 godu graduated from the Almaty Institute of National Economy, Almaty, (Faculty of Economics) with adegree: in Accounting and analysis of economic activity. Qualification: economist. (diplom FWNo. 630473 of July 2, 1991)

On 19.12.1991, she completed advanced training courses at the Moscow School of Banking Business, Moscow, specializing in Operational Equipment and Accounting in a Commercial bank.


27.06.2014 graduated fromthe Master's degree program of the Kazakh Universityа of Economics, Finance and International Trade in Astana, specialty: 6M050900 – Finance. Защита Master's thesis defense on thefollowing topics: "Banking systems:problems and development prospects in the Republic of Kazakhstan"(diploma of ZHOOK-M No. 0051161)


On 27.01.2015, she was elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization of the Republic of Kazakhstan



1)        In collaboration with teachers of the Department of "BA" Bespaev M. E. and Sarsenbayeva K. A. prepared a scientific article on the topic "Professional competence of the subject of labor" for participation in the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference " SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORLD: CHALLENGES of the XXI CENTURY", Astana. The article was accepted for publication on February 7, 2023.

2)        Co-authored with teachers of the Department of Business Administration, PhD Shayakhmetova K. O., PhD Sartov U. K., senior lecturer Shoimbayeva S. A. included in the preparation of a scientific article on "Environmental management issues" for participation in the Turan - Astana and Moscow MNPC, March 2023.

3)        Co-authored with 2nd year students of the US-F-22-2 group Nurmash Zh, Baltasheva A, Negmetzhanov E and 3rd year students A-20-1 Abevzit A., Nurtazina T, included in the preparation of scientific articles on the topics: "On digitalization of the Republic of Kazakhstan problems and prospects" and " Digitalization as a means of development business in the Republic of Kazakhstan" for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of Science and Practice-a mechanism for effective development of modern society" held at Turan-Astana University on April 27-28, 2023

  1. Published in the Proceedings of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of science and practice-a mechanism for the effective development of modern society" article on the topic: "Analysis of the state and trends of innovative development of the economy of Kazakhstan" Turan-Astana University, 2023. - From 190. pp. 80-83
  2. Published in the Forum scientific and practical journal Volgograd branch of the Moscow State Economic University (RSCI) (No. 2/1 February) on the topic: "Analysis of the banking system of Kazakhstan with plastic cards" 2024. - From 200. pages 73-76
  3. Published in the Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (No. 5 of March 1), Prague, Poland, on the topic: "Problems and prospects of development of the banking system of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 2024. - p. 247 pp 122-131
  4. Published in the Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (No. 5 of March 7-8), Berlin, Germany, on the topic: "Digitalization as a means of developing small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan" 2024. - pp. 203 pages 9-14
  5. Published in the Proceedings of the International Scientific and practical conference of the University of Turan-Astana (April 4-5), Astana on the topic: «Қаржылық есептің аудитінің ерешектілері» в соавторстве с к.э.н, доцент Сакеновой З.М., и к.э.н, доцент Тузубековой М.К. 2024. - С 316. стр 61-67
  6. Published in the Collection of the international scientific and practical conference of the University of Turan-Astana (April 4-5), Astana on the topic: "Ways to improve the processes of implementing innovative projects and determining their economic efficiency" in collaboration with a 3rd-year student of US-UA-22-2 Rakhatov Nurbol. 2024. - From 316. pages 121-125
  7. Published in the Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (No. 6, April 11-12), Rome, Italy, on the topic: «Қазақстандағы кәсіпкерліктің қазіргі жағдайы» 2024. - С. 277 стр 213-218
  8.  Published in the Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (No. 7 от , October 10-11), Dublin, Ireland статья : "AUDIT УOF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS (IFRS)" 2024. - p. 2, pp. 36-40
  9.  Published in the Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (No. 8 of November 1), Stothholm, Sweden article on the topic: "THE ROLE OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS FOR AN INSURANCE COMPANY" 2024. - p. 271, pp. 223-230-230



  1. Scientific and Methodological Center "ZIAT", About passing the advanced training course on the topic: «Қаржылық есептілікті талдау» Астана, с 05-24.09.2022 г. в объеме 72 часа, № С-03514   
  2. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Higher School of Economics and Business Center for Management and Business Education. About completing an online advanced training course on the topic: "Teaching methods in higher education using digital technologies" Almaty, from 10-21. 10. 2022 in the volume of72 hours, No. 135/22
  3. Turan-Astana University,  About completing a professional development course on the topic: "Problems of formation and implementation of human capital" in the framework of the event dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 14.10.2022  
  4. Turan-Astana University, On completing a 72-hour advanced training course within the framework of the Winter Scientific and Methodological School on the topic: "Improving the efficiency of the implementation of educational services in higher education institutions" from 09-20. 01. 2023 No. 0031
  5. Scientific and Methodological Center "ZIAT", About passing the advanced training course on the topic: Accounting and audit in production sectors, Astana from 04-13.01.2023 in the volume of 72 hours, no. C-03541
  6. For participation in the 12th international scientific and practical conference held by the BOBEK society on the topic: "Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the XXI century" dated 15.02.2023 No. 1452
  7. Training in Startup Academy from 25.05. -26.05.2023 International Technopark of IT startups, Astana
  8. Университет «Туран-Астана», о прохождении курса повышения квалификации на тему: «Ғылыми зерттеу тәсілдері және білім берудегі инновациялар: әдістемелер және тәжірибелер» Астана, с 08-19.01.2024 г. в объеме 72 часа
  9. Prague, Poland, about writing an article on the topic: "Problems and prospects of development of the banking system of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference No. 5 dated March 1, 2024
  10.  Berlin, Germany, about writing an article on the topic: "Digitalization as a means of developing small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the Proceedings of the International scientific conference No. 5 dated March 7-8, 2024
  11.  Dublin, Ireland participation in the 7th International Scientific Conference with an article on the topic: "Audit of management accounting in IFRS (IFRS)" in CollectionE No. 7 of October 10-11, 2024
  12.  Stockholm, Sweden participation in the 8thInternational Scientific Conference with an article on the topic: "The role of financial analysis for an insurance company" in Collection No. 8 of November 1, 2024


  1. On entering information into the State Register of Rights to Copyrighted Objects No. 44648 dated April 15, 2024

Type of copyright object: literary work

Название обьекта:


1) Turan-Astana University dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 25.10.2022.

2) Turan-Astana University dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 16.12.2022


In the 2023-2024 academic year, I teach the following subjects: Financial reporting analysis; Risk analysis and management in banks; Financial reporting audit; Accounting and Reporting in the tourism and hotel business; Accounting and reporting in construction; Financial Accounting in SMEs; Insurance; Financial Accounting 2; World Financial Markets; Tax Accounting and Reporting

In the 2024-2025 academic year, the disciplines are: Accounting, Accounting in the Tourism and Hotel Business, Management Accounting, Practical Accounting, Financial Accounting 1, Fundamentals of Accounting, Fundamentals of Audit, Environmental Audit, Practical Audit, Financial Control and Audit.

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